图书标签: 吃货 吃 食物 哲学 non-fiction GW
The Physiology of Taste pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
A culinary classic on the joys of the table—written by the gourmand who so famously stated, “Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are”—in a handsome new edition of M. F. K. Fisher’s distinguished translation and with a new introduction by Bill Buford.
First published in France in 1825 and continuously in print ever since, The Physiology of Taste is a historical, philosophical, and ultimately Epicurean collection of recipes, reflections, and anecdotes on everything and anything gastronomical. Brillat-Savarin, who spent his days eating through the famed food capital of Dijon, lent a shrewd, exuberant, and comically witty voice to culinary matters that still resonate today: the rise of the destination restaurant, diet and weight, digestion, and taste and sensibility.
让·安泰尔姆·布里亚 - 萨 瓦兰(1755—1826),出生于法国贝莱,法国律师、政治家和美食家。曾在法国大革命时期的制宪议会任职,后回到家乡贝莱担任市长。曾经流亡美国,在纽约帕克剧院担任首席小提琴手。1796年,他获准回到法国,开始创作《厨房里的哲学家》,但直到 1825 年才出版。
看译著只是为了学习不同语言之间的细微finnese&balance--这点美丽小世界的兴致和快乐竟然被一群律师给破坏了。一下午大篇幅讲自己律所的成绩和团队背景 谁会在乎?就是不说正事不谈业务。外其身而身存多读读道德经修修心也好 In one of my evil moments, I want to ask a young associate in their team to pick up a book from my shelf and read a chapter to see if he or she could indeed read and therefore qualify as a literate person
评分一本我导墙裂推荐然鹅读完了也没发现有什么用的书,里面说淀粉会让人意志薄弱、咖啡会让人脱水、狂吹松露etc etc还挺好玩的,确实太冗长了一点
评分一本我导墙裂推荐然鹅读完了也没发现有什么用的书,里面说淀粉会让人意志薄弱、咖啡会让人脱水、狂吹松露etc etc还挺好玩的,确实太冗长了一点
评分看译著只是为了学习不同语言之间的细微finnese&balance--这点美丽小世界的兴致和快乐竟然被一群律师给破坏了。一下午大篇幅讲自己律所的成绩和团队背景 谁会在乎?就是不说正事不谈业务。外其身而身存多读读道德经修修心也好 In one of my evil moments, I want to ask a young associate in their team to pick up a book from my shelf and read a chapter to see if he or she could indeed read and therefore qualify as a literate person
评分看译著只是为了学习不同语言之间的细微finnese&balance--这点美丽小世界的兴致和快乐竟然被一群律师给破坏了。一下午大篇幅讲自己律所的成绩和团队背景 谁会在乎?就是不说正事不谈业务。外其身而身存多读读道德经修修心也好 In one of my evil moments, I want to ask a young associate in their team to pick up a book from my shelf and read a chapter to see if he or she could indeed read and therefore qualify as a literate person
法文原名Physiologie du goût, ou méditations de gastronomie transcendante 好玩的是,法文GOUT(taste)在英文里是“痛风病”,呵呵,看来是好的吃多了,嘌呤摄入过高啊。
评分http://asiapan.cn/archives/283 周六是早就相约好去朋友的居所聚餐的,随身带上了一本刚买的书——《厨房里的哲学家》。这是我的习惯之一,要到某个场合时,会随身带上一本可能与该场合气氛匹配的书。这次聚会与做菜吃饭有关,此书最为相宜。 我是在读日前所购林行止的随笔...
评分美食家都毒舌,这句话不知道会不会得罪一票人。 吃好吃的东西百分之百是人的本能,不然当年也不会费那个脑筋发明火吃熟食~不过这样顶多算个吃货,算不上美食家。 想成为美食家,必须首先要有敏锐的舌头和辨识好东西的品味。此为毒舌一。 另外,还要把你吃到的美味、思索的哲理...
评分The Physiology of Taste pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025