圖書標籤: 數學 Mathematics Textbook 我的大學數學(undergraduate) 教材 textbook Mathematic 非虛構
Calculus (Stewart's Calculus Series) pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Success in your calculus course starts here! James Stewart's CALCULUS texts are world-wide best-sellers for a reason: they are clear, accurate, and filled with relevant, real-world examples. With CALCULUS, Sixth Edition, Stewart conveys not only the utility of calculus to help you develop technical competence, but also gives you an appreciation for the intrinsic beauty of the subject. His patient examples and built-in learning aids will help you build your mathematical confidence and achieve your goals in the course!
James Stewart received his M.S. from Stanford University and his Ph.D. from the University of Toronto. He did research at the University of London and was influenced by the famous mathematician George Polya at Stanford University. Stewart is currently Professor of Mathematics at McMaster University, and his research field is harmonic analysis. Stewart is the author of a best-selling calculus textbook series published by Cengage Learning—Brooks/Cole, including CALCULUS, CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTALS, and CALCULUS: CONCEPTS AND CONTEXTS, as well as a series of precalculus texts.
學得不好 沒過多久就忘記不少內容瞭
評分Thank God...
評分ap cal bc 超好用 交換textbook
評分textbook 教授們都萌萌噠!
評分打算用这么本准备考研。。。看到许多同学在找它的答案,这就把刚在网上找到的连接地址给大家吧! http://ishare.iask.sina.com.cn/f/9154933.html?from=like&retcode=0&reason=%B1%A7%C7%B8%A3%A1%B5%C7%C2%BC%CA%A7%B0%DC%A3%AC%C7%EB%C9%D4%BA%F2%D4%D9%CA%D4
評分安利一个微积分在线交流学习Q群:拉神微积分Q群,群聊号码:962770961. “拉神” 就是 Laraon。Larson's Calculus 跟 Stewart's Calculus 最大的区别是,前者重应用,后者重概念。如果你是工科计算机等专业,推荐拉神;如果是数学专业,推荐大神Stewart的教程。拉神微积分的官...
評分上amazon的话30刀左右就买到二手的了, 上verycd.com的话还能下载电子版的. 我老师对数学的态度比较严谨, 教学过程中不遗余力地把书上的很多漏洞都指出来了, 我才发现原来这本书的水准原来也不如大家想象中的高(但是无论如何都比我在中国用过的那些教材水平高很多)
Calculus (Stewart's Calculus Series) pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025