圖書標籤: 人類學 Anthropology 文化人類學 社會學|人類學 ethnography 文學 文化 anthropology
Writing Culture pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
In these new essays, a group of experienced ethnographers, a literary critic, and a historian of anthropology, all known for advanced analytic work on ethnographic writing, place ethnography at the center of a new intersection of social history, interpretive anthropology, travel writing, discourse theory, and textual criticism. The authors analyze classic examples of cultural description, from Goethe and Catlin to Malinowski, Evans-Pritchard, and Le Roy Ladurie, showing the persistence of allegorial patterns and rhetorical tropes. They assess recent experimental trends and explore the functions of orality, ethnicity, and power in ethnographic composition."Writing Culture" argues that ethnography is in the midst of a political and epistemological crisis: Western writers no longer portray non-Western peoples with unchallenged authority; the process of cultural representation is now inescapably contingent, historical, and contestable. The essays in this volume help us imagine a fully dialectical ethnography acting powerfully in the postmodern world system. They challenge all writers in the humanities and social sciences to rethink the poetics and politics of cultural invention.
有幾章抽象而艱澀,感覺好讀的都是熟悉的主題和例子(e.g Marcus關於World system,Fischer談到ethnicity),更像是一本給老練的ethnographers寫的guide book,有些觀點確實是過時瞭。可以跟abu lughod的writing against culture對讀。p.s 感覺自己還是要多提高姿勢水平,familiarize myself with anthropological ways of phrasing
評分艱難地讀過一章‘Representations are social facts: modernity and post-modernity in Anthropology’。鳳凰姐的教材。請三思而後讀。
評分feminism is a perspective, not a theory.
評分How about the other of “the other”?? the difference of “the difference”??
評分有幾章抽象而艱澀,感覺好讀的都是熟悉的主題和例子(e.g Marcus關於World system,Fischer談到ethnicity),更像是一本給老練的ethnographers寫的guide book,有些觀點確實是過時瞭。可以跟abu lughod的writing against culture對讀。p.s 感覺自己還是要多提高姿勢水平,familiarize myself with anthropological ways of phrasing
通过日常生活的观察我们可以假设,一般来讲大家自己脑中所想的并不能通过语言被其他人全部了解。同时利用书面的表达一般来讲相对于语言更加难以被了解。 显然个人脑中所想不说是不能为他人所知的,依靠类似表情等方式的表达无疑信息量极小。而个人仅仅依靠本人的经验积...
評分通过日常生活的观察我们可以假设,一般来讲大家自己脑中所想的并不能通过语言被其他人全部了解。同时利用书面的表达一般来讲相对于语言更加难以被了解。 显然个人脑中所想不说是不能为他人所知的,依靠类似表情等方式的表达无疑信息量极小。而个人仅仅依靠本人的经验积...
評分 評分民族志既是一种写作文本,又是一种研究方法,两者相互贯通。一方面叫“做田野”,通过诸如观察与参与观察、系谱法、重要文化报道人、生命史、主客位相结合等民族志田野工作方法,获取第一手资料,呈现一个“整体论”的成果,将这个社会/文化以一种“整体的想象”传达给读者,这...
評分五年前的作业,我现在都不大看不出来自己在写什么,更重要的是博士课程里再读这本书的时候,我们同时读了Women Writing Culture!) 什么是《写文化》 《写文化:民族志的诗学与政治学》是1980年代,一群关注民族志写作问题的学者们的论文集。这一本书的出版被高丙中描述为标...
Writing Culture pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025