图书标签: 金融 Hank_Paulson 华尔街 传记 英文 美国 经济金融 经济。
On The Brink pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Fast-paced and dramatic re-telling of the financial crisis that nearly bought the developed world to its knees. Hank Paulson was at the absolute epicentre of the recent economic storm, and his account of how he dealt with the greatest financial crisis since the Great Depression makes for absolutely fascinating reading. The book contains all the decisive moments in the economic crisis, including the pivotal meetings with mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, as well as Paulson's personal recollections of and conversations with President Bush, President Obama, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and current Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner. As well as detailing the major decisions taken during the crisis, Paulson also puts forth the policies he believes need to be implemented to take us securely into the future.
interesting history from insider's view. Maybe biased though.
评分看到这个类型的书 还是想要读一读。偉人也好 領導也罷 歸根到底也是普通人。有喜怒哀樂 要吃喝拉撒 只是他們可能更被大家需要。很獨特的角度來反思這一場舉世相應的浪潮 再回頭看一步步決策導致的結論 誰又會在走第一步棋的時候就能想到結果呢。
评分interesting history from insider's view. Maybe biased though.
(上篇)http://book.douban.com/review/3048595/ Henry M. Paulson Jr.,男童军(boy scouts)最高级鹰章获得者,全美高中摔跤比赛冠军,全美大学ΦΒΚ学术荣誉协会会员,1972年哈佛商学院MBA,毕业后任职美国国防部,1974年加入高盛芝加哥投资银行部,1999年成为高盛上市后...
评分 评分Hank Paulson是小布什第二个任期内的财长,是Tim Geithner的前任,09年随着小布什离任他也就离任了。对现在的年轻人而言Paulson肯定不如John Paulson有名,但对于08年在市场里的广大人们,Hank Paulson是一个不能忘记的名字。 On the Brink是从美国财政部这一当时最重要的市场...
评分正好看了too big to fall,再加上margin call,大空头,监守自盗放在一起看,那些面向大众的说明与其说是解构2008金融危机倒不如说是人性bug怎么从蝴蝶一次微微振翅形成灾难性的混沌模型。所有参与者都进行打包一体化,可以理解保尔森拒绝监守自盗中采访,华尔街售卖希望游戏既危...
评分1 My time in government had taught me that whom you work with is as important as what you do. 2 There are different ways to build relationships. It helps to socialize,but I liked to sell substance.I had a very direct approach that clients needed time to ...
On The Brink pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025