图书标签: 金融 JohnPaulson 投资 对冲基金 次贷危机 传记 华尔街 房地产泡沫
The Greatest Trade Ever pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
In 2006, hedge fund manager John Paulson realized something few others suspected--that the housing market and the value of subprime mortgages were grossly inflated and headed for a major fall. Paulson's background was in mergers and acquisitions, however, and he knew little about real estate or how to wager against housing. He had spent a career as an also-ran on Wall Street. But Paulson was convinced this was his chance to make his mark. He just wasn't sure how to do it. Colleagues at investment banks scoffed at him and investors dismissed him. Even pros skeptical about housing shied away from the complicated derivative investments that Paulson was just learning about. But Paulson and a handful of renegade investors such as Jeffrey Greene and Michael Burry began to bet heavily against risky mortgages and precarious financial companies. Timing is everything, though. Initially, Paulson and the others lost tens of millions of dollars as real estate and stocks continued to soar. Rather than back down, however, Paulson redoubled his bets, putting his hedge fund and his reputation on the line.
In the summer of 2007, the markets began to implode, bringing Paulson early profits, but also sparking efforts to rescue real estate and derail him. By year's end, though, John Paulson had pulled off the greatest trade in financial history, earning more than $15 billion for his firm--a figure that dwarfed George Soros's billion-dollar currency trade in 1992. Paulson made billions more in 2008 by transforming his gutsy move. Some of the underdog investors who attempted the daring trade also reaped fortunes. But others who got the timing wrong met devastating failure, discovering that being early and right wasn't nearly enough.
Written by the prizewinning reporter who broke the story in The Wall Street Journal , The Greatest Trade Ever is a superbly written, fast-paced, behind-the-scenes narrative of how a contrarian foresaw an escalating financial crisis--that outwitted Chuck Prince, Stanley O'Neal, Richard Fuld, and Wall Street's titans--to make financial history.
评分荡气回肠。1. 要发现fundamental的问题,并且要找到方法利用大潮流,需要智慧和洞察力 2. 要成功的跑到终点线,需要隐忍,需要毅力,需要忍受怀疑和讽刺,这需要对自己智慧的自信和坚韧的精神。
评分感觉应该和《confidence game》类似,john paulson和bill ackman都是那种做出判断后逆势抗压且能坚持下去的人。 粗略了看完后,再次感叹美帝WSJBLOOMBERGCNBC等出身的财经记者水平的确很不错,对比国内,能达到这样水平的好像很少。 以及,认定的事就坚持不动摇,完美的诠释了Paulson的这一宗大trading。可是知易行难。现在回头看,2007年或之前应该有很多人看空美国的房地产及CDS等衍生品市场,但是赚了6个billion的只有Paulson。这样的故事人生中有那么一次就足够了,awesome&fascinating!
去年帮朋友带回国的书,自己先看了一遍,从一个侧面描述金融危机带来的的巨大灾难和前所未有的机遇;一板一眼一丝不苟四平八稳,John Paulson这个典型的华尔街落魄投资人,在全行业都被的房地产大泡沫闪晕眼睛的时候,固执的坚持自己的直觉和历史数据分析,利用Credit Default ...
评分去年帮朋友带回国的书,自己先看了一遍,从一个侧面描述金融危机带来的的巨大灾难和前所未有的机遇;一板一眼一丝不苟四平八稳,John Paulson这个典型的华尔街落魄投资人,在全行业都被的房地产大泡沫闪晕眼睛的时候,固执的坚持自己的直觉和历史数据分析,利用Credit Default ...
评分很打击人的一点是,历史告诉我们,the greatest traders都是最聪明的人,John Paulson,Paolo Pellegrini,Michael Burry,Greg Lippmann,无一不是绝顶聪明。2007年的他们不是喧嚣赌场里靠偶然运气一夜暴富的赌徒,而是众人皆醉我独醒的真正智者。这本书再次让站在金融世界边...
评分很打击人的一点是,历史告诉我们,the greatest traders都是最聪明的人,John Paulson,Paolo Pellegrini,Michael Burry,Greg Lippmann,无一不是绝顶聪明。2007年的他们不是喧嚣赌场里靠偶然运气一夜暴富的赌徒,而是众人皆醉我独醒的真正智者。这本书再次让站在金融世界边...
评分这一个礼拜,从头到尾一口气的看完了这本书,总共错过了2次回家的地铁,但觉得还是值。 这本书讲述的是John Paulson这个原本默默无分的对冲基金管理人,如何在2007-2008这个房地产金融风暴里个人狂赚60亿美金的故事。他一下此成为历史上在单宗买卖里赚钱最多的人。1992年索罗...
The Greatest Trade Ever pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025