图书标签: 历史 五四运动 中国历史 知识分子 中国思想史 中国 Vera_Schwarcz 舒衡哲
The Chinese Enlightenment pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024
It is widely accepted, both inside China and in the West, that contemporary Chinese history begins with the May Fourth Movement. Vera Schwarcz's imaginative new study provides China scholars and historians with an analysis of what makes that event a turning point in the intellectual, spiritual, cultural and political life of twentieth-century China.
Vera Schwarcz is Professor of East Asian Studies and History at Wesleyan University.
Impressively revealing the cultural pluralism in 1920s in China. The intellectuals, the youths, the courageous of challenging itself, never before, and never after. They were the precious sparkle, yet we fail to start a prairie fire
评分Reading Vera Schwarcz, I am always reminded of the significance of WRITING .Vera is not a native speaker of English,, so her achievement is even more remarkable.
评分【暑假小学期】第一本书 ╮(╯▽╰)╭
评分Reading Vera Schwarcz, I am always reminded of the significance of WRITING .Vera is not a native speaker of English,, so her achievement is even more remarkable.
评分Reading Vera Schwarcz, I am always reminded of the significance of WRITING .Vera is not a native speaker of English,, so her achievement is even more remarkable.
评分 评分文/杰夫 作为中国近现代史的标志性事件,五四新文化运动已经犹如这个国家几千年的文明史中任一历史事件一样,被不同群体、不同利益集团的人,用各类语言和视角进行解剖和阐释过了。 可是,大概在普通民众的意识里,五四运动究竟是一场什么样的运动,仍旧是一个模糊的概念。但...
评分这套三辉白皮书的整体水平还不错。我最早看的是其中杨联陞先生的书,他应是陈寅恪先生的学生吧 。一套书共十五本,汪荣祖先生占了两本。但我感觉这套丛书里有几本归类得不对,像是完全不搭,比如王元化先生那本《文心雕龙讲疏》。三辉的书都学术味比较重。
The Chinese Enlightenment pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024