工作不是生活的全部Work is not all your life對準“焦點”,工作不纍Point at the Focus, work will not be tired與紙同樂,3D紙模Playing molded打開電腦的問候語Computer's greeting在辦公室喝綠茶Drink green tea in the office丟臉不是一兩次Fool of myself for many times20個讓老闆無法拒絕的請假(遲到)藉口20 excuse to ask for leave that the boss can’t refuse要麼有深度,要麼有趣,要麼安靜Deep thinking, interesting or quiet杧果的斯文吃法The gentle way of eating mango有瞭零食好辦公Snacking in the office主題飆歌會KTV theme activities去學習唱歌吧Learn singing songs不要“堅持”,要“活動”Don’t get stuck with a lemon, be activity趁現在還來得及不後悔Do not regret it from now on上班路上聽英語Listening to English on the way to work氣味Smell清理你的辦公桌Clean up your desk詩歌也勵誌Poetry is also inspirational極品老闆也是人Metamorphosis boss is also human人都是逼齣來的People are forced out痛苦是件禮物Pain is a gift在你最難的時候,幫到你的一句話A sentence helps you in your most difficult time心理醫生是管用的Psychiatrist is helpful“即使世道艱難,也要呼吸順暢”Even if the hand is hard, it also must breathe easier一大早被鬧鍾吵醒,說明還活著Awakened early in the morning by the alarm indicates that we are still alive電吹風吹腳心We can blow arch using an electric hair drier選擇職業,找到支撐你的方嚮和興趣Find your direction and your interest which will support you給流浪的小動物們喂食Feed stray animal去LIVE HOUSE聽現場Go to live house客廳私人健身房2 Private gym room小啞鈴,大作用Small dumbbell, major role神仙抓God catch像豬一樣在地上打個滾Rolling on the ground like a pig下班去學弗拉門戈Learn flamenco after work像趣多多餅乾一樣快樂As happy as Quduoduo biscuits沒有人知道你是天纔,包括你自己Nobody knows you are a genius, including yourself你說不好話,是因為你太想把它說好It because you urgently want to say a mouthfulso that you can not speak well聲音好聽,職場好混If you have a nice voice, you feel just like a fish in water in the working world“喝掉”一冰箱的橙子Drink all oranges off in refrigerator直視老闆的眼睛Look in the eye of the boss可以批評,但不要責怪和羞辱你的下屬With criticism instead of blame and humiliation香奈兒小黑裙Chanel little black dress偶爾穿得性感一點Sexy dress occasionally去爬山吧Climb mountains如果你想換工作If you want to change jobs打一會兒坐Za-zen大便當盒裝飯,小便當盒裝湯Lunch box在辦公室裏修行Practice Buddhism in the office讀一點佛Read the Buddha禪修夏令營Meditation summer camp在太極中獲得寜靜Get quiet in the Tai Chi放得下,纔睡得好Let bygones be bygones不管你做什麼,都無法滿足每個人,所以,做自己就好瞭Just be yourself經典短篇閱讀Classic short stories我愛酸奶,酸奶愛我I love yogurt, yogurt loves me記住新認識的朋友的樣子和名字Remember the names and faces of new friends在公司年會上錶演魔術Performing magic in the company's annual meeting參加“工作坊”Participate in workshop愉悅地接受變化Accept the changes with pleasure肚皮舞——讓身體更性感4 Belly dance makes you more sexy舒緩你的“鍵盤手”Relieve your keyboard hands花的姿態Flower gesture要馬上去為父母做的10件事There are 10 things to do for your parents immediately化妝是為瞭讓自己感覺更好Make-up is to make yourself feel better那些母親教過的禮儀Etiquette that mother taught有機農夫市集Organic Farmers Market能把白襯衣穿齣味道的人,都是自信的人People wearing white shirt are confident迴傢去吃一頓媽媽做的飯Dining with mom at home你害怕坐飛機嗎?Are you afraid to take a plane?中午和同事踢毽子Kicking shuttlecock colleagues與其製訂太多計劃,不如實現一個是一個It is better to pull off plans one by one睡前瑜伽Yoga before bedtime就算世界末日是真的Even if the end of the world is true做人呢,最要緊的就是開心The most important thing for you is fun每周去遊一次泳,把自己放進水裏Swimming once a week穩定的心Stable heart你的身體需要堅果Your body needs nuts仰望星空Looking at the stars鼕天看侯孝賢Watch Hou Hsiao-hsien's movie in winter到最具服務性質的地方去打一次工Do a part-time job in most service industries上一堂哈佛大學教授的“積極心理學課”Positive psychology class at Harvard University分清“想要”和“需要”,保衛你的錢包Distinguish "wants" and "need" to defend your wallet“我實在是一個孤獨的旅客”——愛因斯坦"I really was a lonely traveler" , Albert Einstein再說一遍,堅決不熬夜瞭Once again, determined not to stay up late希望你擁有更美好的生活I hope you have a better life
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没有亮点,没有什么有深度的内容,也许有些人觉得喜欢这种生活类的小简单书,还真是对书要求低。网络上的小短篇,小专栏可以,出成图书,没什么必要。 摘录: “要么有深度 要么有趣 要么安静” “成功的公式就是A=X+Y+Z!A就是成功,X就是正确的方法,Y是努力工作,Z是...
没有亮点,没有什么有深度的内容,也许有些人觉得喜欢这种生活类的小简单书,还真是对书要求低。网络上的小短篇,小专栏可以,出成图书,没什么必要。 摘录: “要么有深度 要么有趣 要么安静” “成功的公式就是A=X+Y+Z!A就是成功,X就是正确的方法,Y是努力工作,Z是...
在图书馆借这本书时,翻了翻以为是介绍生活经验和小常识类型的,借回来仔细看才发现主要是关于作者自己的一些感悟,通性的经验和尝试内容不多(也可能是我过了相应的阶段,所以很多经验没感觉很受用),关于工作安排和在众人面前讲话这两点建议不错,整理内容如下: 1.这样让自...