图书标签: 历史学 记忆研究 记忆术 记忆 艺术史 耶茨 科学史 欧洲
The Art of Memory pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
The ancient Greeks, to whom a trained memory was of vital importance - as it was to everyone before the invention of printing - created an elaborate memory system, based on a technique of impressing 'places' and 'images' on the mind. Inherited and recorded by the Romans, this art of memory passed into the European tradition, to be revived, in occult form, at the Renaissance, and particularly by the strange and remarkable genius, Giordano Bruno. Such is the main theme of Frances Yates' unique and brilliant book, in the course of which she sheds light on such diverse subjects as Dante's Divine Comedy, the form of the Shakespearian theatre and the history of ancient architecture. Aside from its intrinsic fascination, The Art of Memory is an invaluable contribution to aesthetics and psychology, and to the history of philosophy, of science and of literature.
Dame Frances Yates (1899-1981) achieved a world-wide reputation as an historian. Her close association with the Warburg Institute of the University of London began shortly after the Second World War, after the publication of her first two books. She was Reader in the History of the Renaissance there until 1967, when she became an Honorary Fellow. As well as gaining many academic honours, she was awarded the OBE in 1977 and was made DBE, in the same year. Her publications include Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition, Theatre of the World, The Rosicrucian Enlightenment, Astraea, Shakespeare's Last Plays and The Valois Tapestries.
耶茨通过此书唤醒的是一些对任何思想而言极端必要,却为习惯了其代用品的现代人所忽视的东西:记忆术。直至文艺复兴,记忆术都不仅仅是用于将现成知识记下与记起的技艺,而是涉及到图像与空间处所的对应(古典时期)、用于道德教化的相似性形体(中世纪)或沟通神性与人之宇宙的桥梁(文艺复兴)。在追溯记忆术的几股源流后,耶茨集中于布鲁诺将古典传统中对图像的运用与Ramon Lull所设计的转轮结合起来的创举,它允许在组合中产生人们原先并不确然知晓的新项,从而使得知识真正成为“钥匙”,即遵循自动化的程序爬梳整个可能知识体系的“发现的逻辑”,而这正是近代方法的雏形。写到后半部分时有点散乱,但作为一部开拓性的史学著作,启发性还是极强的。
评分notae, imprese, épitome, seal, characteristica...
评分耶茨通过此书唤醒的是一些对任何思想而言极端必要,却为习惯了其代用品的现代人所忽视的东西:记忆术。直至文艺复兴,记忆术都不仅仅是用于将现成知识记下与记起的技艺,而是涉及到图像与空间处所的对应(古典时期)、用于道德教化的相似性形体(中世纪)或沟通神性与人之宇宙的桥梁(文艺复兴)。在追溯记忆术的几股源流后,耶茨集中于布鲁诺将古典传统中对图像的运用与Ramon Lull所设计的转轮结合起来的创举,它允许在组合中产生人们原先并不确然知晓的新项,从而使得知识真正成为“钥匙”,即遵循自动化的程序爬梳整个可能知识体系的“发现的逻辑”,而这正是近代方法的雏形。写到后半部分时有点散乱,但作为一部开拓性的史学著作,启发性还是极强的。
评分我本来是来学习如何练就百发百中的射击之术的,你却跟我讲了枪炮的发展历史。 买书先豆瓣!购书第一法则。咱当年买这本书的时候,就是太冲动,没上豆瓣,看着: The Art of Memory! 近代首部讲述人类如何掌握记忆术的巨作! 二十世纪百大经典之一! 哎,俺就是一功利之人,本...
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The Art of Memory pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025