图书标签: 心理学 mindset 思维 个人成长 思考 教育 心理 社会学
Mindset pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Mindset is one of those rare books that can help you make positive changes in your life and at the same time see the world in a new way.
A leading expert in motivation and personality psychology, Carol Dweck has discovered in more than twenty years of research that our mindset is not a minor personality quirk: it creates our whole mental world. It explains how we become optimistic or pessimistic. It shapes our goals, our attitude toward work and relationships, and how we raise our kids, ultimately predicting whether or not we will fulfill our potential. Dweck has found that everyone has one of two basic mindsets.
If you have the fixed mindset, you believe that your talents and abilities are set in stone–either you have them or you don’t. You must prove yourself over and over, trying to look smart and talented at all costs. This is the path of stagnation. If you have a growth mindset, however, you know that talents can be developed and that great abilities are built over time. This is the path of opportunity–and success.
Dweck demonstrates that mindset unfolds in childhood and adulthood and drives every aspect of our lives, from work to sports, from relationships to parenting. She reveals how creative geniuses in all fields–music, literature, science, sports, business–apply the growth mindset to achieve results. Perhaps even more important, she shows us how we can change our mindset at any stage of life to achieve true success and fulfillment. She looks across a broad range of
applications and helps parents, teachers, coaches, and executives see how they can promote the growth mindset.
Highly engaging and very practical, Mindset breaks new ground as it leads you to change how you feel about yourself and your future.
“This book is an essential read for parents, teachers, coaches, and others who are instrumental in determining a child’s mind-set, and in turn, his or her future success, as well as for those who would like to increase their own feelings of success and fulfillment.” --Library Journal
1. The Mindsets
Why Do People Differ?
What Does All This Mean for You? The Two Mindsets
A View from the Two Mindsets
So, What’s New?
Self-Insight: Who Has Accurate Views of Their Assets and Limitations?
What’s iIn Store
2. Inside The Mindsets
Is Success About Learning–Or Proving You’re Smart?
Mindsets Change the Meaning of Failure
Mindsets Change the Meaning of Effort
Questions and Answers
3. The Truth About Ability and Accomplishment
Mindset and School Achievement
Is Artistic Ability a Gift?
The Danger of Praise and Positive Labels
Negative Labels and How They Work
4. Sports: The Mindset Of A Champion
The Idea of the Natural
What Is Success?
What Is Failure?
Taking Charge of Success
What Does It Mean to Be a Star?
Hearing the Mindsets
5. Business: Mindset and Leadership
Enron and the Talent Mindset
Organizations That Grow
A Study of Mindset and Management Decisions
Leadership and the Fixed Mindset
Fixed-Mindset Leaders in Action
Growth-Mindset Leaders in Action
A Study of Group Processes
Groupthink Versus We Think
Are Leaders Born or Made?
6. Relationships: Mindsets In Love (Or Not)
Relationships Are Different
Mindsets Falling in Love
The Partner as Enemy
Competition: Who’s The Greatest?
Developing in Relationships
Bullies and Victims: Revenge Revisited
7. Parents, Teachers, And Coaches:
Where Do Mindsets Come From?
Parents (and Teachers): Messages About Success and Failure
Children Learn The Messages
Teachers (and Parents): What Makes a Great Teacher (or Parent)?
Coaches: Winning Through Mindset
Our Legacy
8. Changing Mindsets: A Workshop
The Nature of Change
The Mindset Lectures
A Mindset Workshop
More About Change
Taking the First Step: A Workshop for You
People Who Don’t Want to Change
Changing Your Child’s Mindset
Mindset and Willpower
Maintaining Change
The Road Ahead
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评分3/5. 略低于预期,主要原因还是觉得太过鸡汤,以及文笔一般。全书的内容其实几篇论文应该就可以讲的很清楚,在 Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset 这个主题上作者褒贬分明,但书中的例子似乎总是太过简单和不现实,因而难以令人信服。尽管如此,如果中学甚至更早的时候我就能明白这些道理的话,也不必自己走这么多弯路、经历那么多自我怀疑了。
评分推荐给所有想自我成长或者在教育战线上的老师,COACH,等等教育工作者。本书只有一个中心思想就是成长思维让人更加相信努力,会更有弹性的接受指说,错误,会让人发挥潜能走得更远。 那定式思维当然就是相反喽。 最喜欢里面一些孩子的故事和那些运动员的故事。培养自己成长性思维吧。
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Mindset pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025