圖書標籤: 哲學 尼采 德勒茲 Deleuze nietzsche philosophy 政治哲學 外語
Nietzsche and Philosophy pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
-- Times Higher Education Supplement</P><br/>
Nietzsche and Philosophy has long been recognized as one of the most important accounts of Nietzsche's philosophy, acclaimed for its rare combination of scholarly rigour and imaginative interpretation. Yet this is more than a major work on Nietzsche: the book opened a whole new avenue in post-war thought. Here Deleuze shows how Nietzsche began a new way of thinking which breaks with the dialectic as a method and escapes the confines of philosophy itself.</P>
吉爾•德勒茲(Gilles Deleuze,1925—1995),法國最著名的後現代哲學傢之一,以創造眾多富有洞見的哲學新概念著稱,對形而上學和藝術哲學做齣瞭獨特的貢獻。他和伽塔裏(Félix Guattari)一起,創製瞭諸多概念,對精神分析和資本主義進行瞭綜閤批判。其主要著作包括《差異與重復》(Différence et répétition,1968)、《感覺的邏輯》(Logique du sens,1969),以及與伽塔裏閤著的《反俄狄浦斯》(L’Anti-Œdipe, 1972)、《韆高原》(Mille plateaux, 1980)等,在哲學、文學、電影和繪畫等多個領域具有重要的影響力。
評分主要的疑點有:1. 個體的active force和affirmative evaluation如何與整個文明經由毀滅到重生兼容?個體是否應該通過自殺性的毀滅行為加速文明的轉型和超人的誕生?2. Deleuze非常危險地試圖為quality和identity定義,這在多大意義上是成功的(他的聰明在於用瞭大量查拉圖斯特拉裏帶神話色彩的metaphors而非猶太人女人等等刻闆印象)?從無意識角度定義人性本惡並不閤適的,被壓抑下去的很可能是不利於生存的善。3. 整個書用尼采反黑格爾,論點是否do justice to Hegel? 他所論述的整個文明發展的過程,是active forces穿過所有negative forces而以超人誕生為標誌最終涅槃,這個過程是非常黑格爾的。
評分Preface to the English Translation to Hugh Tomlinson (英文译者) It is always exciting for a French book to be translated into English. It is an opportunity for the author, after so many years, to consider the impression he would like to make on a prospec...
評分Preface to the English Translation to Hugh Tomlinson (英文译者) It is always exciting for a French book to be translated into English. It is an opportunity for the author, after so many years, to consider the impression he would like to make on a prospec...
Nietzsche and Philosophy pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025