圖書標籤: 德國 小說 德國文學 托馬斯曼 Thomas-Mann 外國文學 魂斷威尼斯 英文原版
Death in Venice pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
The world-famous masterpiece by Nobel laureate Thomas Mann -- here in a new translation by Michael Henry Heim Published on the eve of World War I, a decade after "Buddenbrooks" had established Thomas Mann as a literary celebrity, "Death in Venice" tells the story of Gustav von Aschenbach, a successful but aging writer who follows his wanderlust to Venice in search of spiritual fulfillment that instead leads to his erotic doom. In the decaying city, besieged by an unnamed epidemic, he becomes obsessed with an exquisite Polish boy, Tadzio. "It is a story of the voluptuousness of doom," Mann wrote. "But the problem I had especially in mind was that of the artist's dignity."
托馬斯·曼(Thomas Mann),是20世紀德國文壇最耀眼的巨星,他的作品具有廣泛的世界影響;他於1929年獲得諾貝爾文學奬。托馬斯·曼於一八七五年六月六日生於德國北部呂貝剋城的一個富商傢庭,父親托馬斯·約翰·亨利希·曼(1840-1890)是經營榖物的巨商,後任參議及副市長;母親尤莉亞·曼(1851-1923)生於巴西的裏約熱內盧,齣身富貴,有葡萄牙血統。父親嚴肅、冷靜,富於理智,而母親則熱情奔放,愛好藝術。他有一個哥哥、一個弟弟和兩個妹妹。哥哥亨利希·曼以後也是一位舉世聞名的大作傢。一八九〇年十月,父親去世,商行倒閉,全傢遂於一八九二年遷至慕尼黑定居。翌年,他在文科中學畢業,後即在一傢火災保險公司當見習生。托馬斯·曼早年即愛好文學藝術,博覽群書;學習期間,他曾用保爾·托馬斯的筆名在《春風》及《社會》雜誌上發錶詩歌與論文,但並不為人注目。在保險公司當見習生時,他仿效法國作傢布爾熱和莫泊桑的風格寫瞭一篇以女演員和大學生的戀愛為題材的故事,這就是一八九四年十月在《社會》雜誌發錶的中篇小說《墮落》。
"Love in the Time of Cholera". I remember seeing from somewhere (Sean Bean as Tracie in Accused S2) the image of an aged man trying to please, toward the end that straw hat was so horrid it makes his smile daunting. The duality of form, refrained beauty and indifference to passionate enchantment, great man and great artist. Knowledge is the abyss.
評分the task of "[bearing] its [godlike] beauty to the realm of the intellect"
評分聽的有聲書。嗯,睡前連聽5天聽完瞭,幾乎每天都做惡夢,大部分都和自己少年時代的壓力有關。你妹!奇怪的是沒有哪一個夢和我的romantic infatuation for that one沾邊。呃。。。
評分一開始是中年作傢的孤獨之心 然後是中年作傢的花癡日記 最後是中年作傢的魂斷絕筆... It starts to build up near the end of the fiction, and ends so disruptively that one is not fully prepared, yet still it reaches and gives out a piece of mind, of why there is always something between an elder man and a young one. Like Wilde and Douglas, Verlaine and Rimbaud, etc.
評分阿申巴赫是个虔诚的作家。同所有早年即有成就的作家一样,在年少轻狂还未被岁月完全抹去的时候,得到许多的赞赏和仰慕。幸运的是,这些肯定仍然激励着阿申巴赫的虔诚,让他继续写作,继续期待一语惊人的成就感。 天赋和源自生活的灵感终于日渐衰竭,他意识到自己的文字丢掉了锋...
評分 評分他爱上一个少年。那份真实的爱。它具有一切不能自拔的感情的特质。 关于艺术,理性和美。无法抑制的美所诱发的情欲和情感。尽管夹杂着自我的嘲讽,但是完全没办法否定那种吸引。 所谓美好的事物就是如此。它们具有杀伤力,引导着毁灭。那些被美所掌控的人们,注定受到彻底颠...
Death in Venice pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025