图书标签: 政治学 政治 PoliticalPhilosophy 政治哲学 英国 哲学 Philosophy John.Locke
Two Treatises of Government pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
This is the revised version of Peter Laslett's acclaimed edition of Two Treatises of Government, which is widely recognised as one of the classic pieces of recent scholarship in the history of ideas, read and used by students of political theory throughout the world. This 1988 edition revises Dr Laslett's second edition (1970) and includes an updated bibliography, a guide to further reading and a fully reset and revised introduction which surveys advances in Locke scholarship since publication of the second edition. In the introduction, Dr Laslett shows that the Two Treatises were not a rationalisation of the events of 1688 but rather a call for a revolution yet to come.
评分想到自己高中时候那水平还声称自己读过这书就自惭形愧- -上学还是有一些用处的
评分(1st:chap1-2,9.2st:chap1-3.)I think it may not be amiss, to set down what I take to be political power; that the power of a MAGISTRATE over a subject may be distinguished from that of a FATHER over his children, a MASTER over his servant, a HUSBAND over his wife, and a LORD over his slave.洛克是一个时代的先声。
评分Note:What you believe was irrelevant to your statues and prospects
契约自由原本是因为人们信奉诚实守信乃自然法的一部分,而如今却本末倒置,如果失去了协议和契约作为证据,便可不再诚实守信。这其中的因果,是值得分析的。随着法制社会的建立,道德的力量是否就趋于式微了呢?而这又是不是法治和民主追逐的呢? 政府的需要是便于管理,这也...
评分波斯王居鲁士如此说:‘耶和华天上的 神,已将天下万国赐给我。又嘱咐我在犹大的耶路撒冷,为他建造殿宇。 在你们中间凡作他子民的,可以上犹大的耶路撒冷,在耶路撒冷重建耶和华以色列 神的殿(只有他是 神)。愿 神与这人同在。凡剩下的人,无论寄居何处,那地的人要用金银,...
评分Two Treatises of Government pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025