圖書標籤: 閱讀 關於書的書 Reading 英文原版 美國 雜文 未知 書話
The Pleasures of Reading in an Age of Distraction pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Is reading under threat? No, says Alan Jacobs--but people do need help iand encouragemnt to enjoy it to the full. Jacobs's experience as a lecturer and many-time author suggests that many readers lack confidence; they wonder whether they are reading well, with proper focus and attentiveness, with due discretion and discernment. Many have absorbed the puritanical message that reading is, first and foremost, good for you--the intellectual equivalent of eating your Brussels sprouts. For such people, indeed for all readers, Jacobs offers some simple, powerful, and much needed advice: read at whim, read what gives you delight, and do so without shame, whether it be Stephen King or the King James Version of the Bible. He offers an insightful, accessible, and playfully irreverent guide for aspiring readers. Each chapter focuses on one aspect of approaching literary fiction, poetry, or nonfiction, and the book explores everything from the invention of silent reading, reading responsively, rereading, and reading on electronic devices. Invitingly written, with equal measures of wit and erudition, The Pleasures of Reading in an Age of Distraction will appeal to all readers, whether they be novices looking for direction or old hands seeking to recapture the pleasures of reading they first experienced as children.
艾倫•雅各布斯(Alan Jacobs)
著有:《納尼亞傳奇:C.S. 劉易斯傳》、《原罪:文化史》和《閱讀的神學》。
評分不一般的路子 肯定主體感受 影響瞭我博一下學期的生活 好想推薦去做中文版
評分This is one of those books that book lovers will truly resonate with.
評分還是某種程度解答瞭我訊息爆炸下的睏惑。問題在於,不能忽略的一件事是,不管hyper attention還是 deep attention,首先你得pay attention!(減一星)然後我從來不認為人有multitask的能力,多任務間切換實際是消耗精力和低效的。(減一星)
收获:收起焦虑,重新静心读书,不要抱太强的功利心,不要给自己过多的焦虑感和压力。既然这本书都能看,那么我该尽快开始下一本书了。 评价:我不能理解目前这本书的评分。本书 1.逻辑性差:通过举有倾向性的个例和名人名言来佐证观点的方式并不能让我信服;论点自相矛盾。比...
評分最近读了一本《阅读的乐趣》(the Pleasure of Reading in An Age of Distraction),不过,照书名直译,似乎《在一个心不在焉的时代里谈谈阅读的乐趣》更为准确恰当。后细细想来,英译汉,自然要考虑中文读者习惯简短标题这一文化背景,也就不计较了。看完了全部文章随笔,才...
評分有句歌词是这样唱的:“地球上,两个人,能相遇不容易。”说的是在几十亿人口中,有一个人,能和我们在生命中有所交集,是非常珍贵的缘分。 想一想,其实读书也是如此,全世界出版了无以计数的书籍,而能与我们相遇,捧在手中阅读的,顶多也就几百本或几千本书,所以,我们和书...
評分 評分我们要给大家分享的书叫《如何再次拿起书》。 本书作者艾伦·雅各布斯,是美国贝勒大学荣誉项目人文学科杰出教授、宗教研究系常驻教师,他关于文学、文化的评论作品广泛刊登于美国各大报刊杂志。这本书出版8年,再版4次,著名主持人梁文道曾专门撰文推荐此书。 你对阅读书籍还...
The Pleasures of Reading in an Age of Distraction pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025