图书标签: 宗教 历史 基督教 神学 宗教学 英文原版 歷史神學 教會歷史
A History of Christianity pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Christianity, one of the world's great religions, has had an incalculable impact on human history. This book, now the most comprehensive and up to date single volume work in English, describes not only the main ideas and personalities of Christian history, its organisation and spirituality, but how it has changed politics, sex, and human society. Diarmaid MacCulloch ranges from Palestine in the first century to India in the third, from Damascus to China in the seventh century and from San Francisco to Korea in the twentieth. He is one of the most widely travelled of Christian historians and conveys a sense of place as arrestingly as he does the power of ideas. He presents the development of Christian history differently from any of his predecessors. He shows how, after a semblance of unity in its earliest centuries, the Christian church divided during the next 1400 years into three increasingly distanced parts, of which the western Church was by no means always the most important: he observes that at the end of the first eight centuries of Christian history, Baghdad might have seemed a more likely capital for worldwide Christianity than Rome. This is the first truly global history of Christianity.
评分“见证人”一词,希腊语为(μαρτυ?),与殉道者为同一词。宣扬耶稣十字架及复活信息(κερυγμα)的人是走死亡之路、殉道之路的人。被耶稣的十字架大爱和恩典所征服的人们成为见证人。他们不惜生命,为基督而活,为基督而辛劳,为基督而宣教,直至为基督而死,他们不管或生或死都是基督的人(罗14:6-8)。 没有任何力量能把他们与基督炙热的爱分隔。不管是患难、逼迫、饥饿、赤身露体,而且不管是威胁、严刑拷打、刀枪,还是猛兽,都不能将他们从基督的大爱中隔离出来(罗 8:35)。
A History of Christianity pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025