圖書標籤: 語言學 認知科學 心理學 Steven_Pinker 語言 linguistics 科普 language
The Language Instinct pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024
In this classic, the world's expert on language and mind lucidly explains everything you always wanted to know about language: how it works, how children learn it, how it changes, how the brain computes it, and how it evolved. With deft use of examples of humor and wordplay, Steven Pinker weaves our vast knowledge of language into a compelling story: language is a human instinct, wired into our brains by evolution. The Language Instinct received the William James Book Prize from the American Psychological Association and the Public Interest Award from the Linguistics Society of America. This edition includes an update on advances in the science of language since The Language Instinct was first published.
Steven Pinker is one of the world's leading authorities on language and the mind. His popular and highly praised books include The Stuff of Thought, The Blank Slate, Words and Rules, How the Mind Works, and The Language Instinct. The recipient of several major awards for his teaching, books, and scientific research, Pinker is Harvard College Professor and Johnstone Family Professor of Psychology at Harvard University. He also writes frequently for The New York Times, Time, The New Republic, and other magazines.
評分勉強啃完,這說話風格真的不易讀,但是那種略帶嘲諷的幽默感真喜歡!雖說很贊同天生的語法結構,但是總覺得就是這個結構再破壞pure language of thought。從本人十幾年前「日語聽說毫無壓力完全不懂日語語法」到現在「日語語法毫無壓力而進便利店買東西時都不會說瞭」的經驗更加確定這種結構分析帶來的弊端。
評分為嘛我覺得這本書一點都不好看.整本書都是告訴你"WHY the language is instinct ".囉嗦這麼多,到底是給多死硬的人類至上者看的啊
没法跟一个人好好说话的时候,我们就说这人是“火星来的”。意思是和他言语不通,思维方式不同。这样说的前提是,语言由思维决定,思维由文化决定,同时,不同的文化由不同语言的构成,所以语言也会反过来影响思维。 粗看是这样。但前提是人们不肯好好交流。读了《语言本能...
評分学过高数的人都知道,一个命题越简单,证明起来往往就越是复杂。 《语言本能》的核心观点也很简单:语言并非一项文化创造,而是人的一种本能。为了证明这点,平克进行了非常详细的论证。书中缜密的分析和丰富的案例很值得一读,能让人对语言学习的机制和语言的本质多一些了解...
評分平克写作比较喜欢玩弄辞藻,论证的方式也是那种聪明人的方式,经常看完一段不明所以,结果下一段他就说别的去了,也就是说,你明白就好,不明白那就拜托了你往回翻几页,重新看起。 因为这种写作方式,这本书看到一半差点崩溃,但因为内容很好,舍不得半途而废,还是坚持下来了...
評分本文发表于《三联生活周刊》微信公众号 http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MTc5MTU3NTYyMQ==&mid=219477406&idx=1&sn=e0ba60dd69cf42992c6352777dd722d6&scene=23&srcid=0912DvUz3cUEPsfLhPpnkyBk#rd 感谢三联贝小戎老师~ 史蒂芬•平克是哈佛大学的心理学教授,二十年前...
評分平克写作比较喜欢玩弄辞藻,论证的方式也是那种聪明人的方式,经常看完一段不明所以,结果下一段他就说别的去了,也就是说,你明白就好,不明白那就拜托了你往回翻几页,重新看起。 因为这种写作方式,这本书看到一半差点崩溃,但因为内容很好,舍不得半途而废,还是坚持下来了...
The Language Instinct pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024