圖書標籤: D.H.Lawrence 英語文學 文學 外國文學 原版 Novel Literature 英國
Women in Love pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Two of D. H. Lawrences most renowned novelsnow with new packages and new introductions
Widely regarded as D. H. Lawrences greatest novel, Women in Love continues where The Rainbow left off, with the third generation of the Brangwens. Focusing on Ursula Brangwen and her sister Gudruns relationshipsthe former with a school inspector and the latter with an industrialist and then a sculptor Women in Love is a powerful, sexually explicit depiction of the destructiveness of human relations.
評分What you want is the deteriorating relationship that you call love. 讀瞭五天其實算是慢慢讀瞭 好纍啊 畫瞭好多綫 #ENG232Modernism
評分我會始終記得這一句“Whether he would or not, she signified the real world to him. He wanted to come up to her standards, fulfil her expectations. He knew that her criterion was the only one that mattered. The others were all outsiders, instinctively, whatever they might be socially.”
評分戴维•赫伯特•劳伦斯(David Lawrence Herbert,1885---1930)在本世纪西方文学中占据了一个令人瞩目的位置。他的声名几起几落,最后被公认为是英国小说大家,又被称为是本世纪最富独创性、又争议最多的作家之一。要了解劳伦斯,最好的办法莫过于读一读他的小说《恋爱中的...
評分次接触劳伦斯的作品,深感这是我所读过的最诲涩的书之一。 他不是在讲一个故事,而是在探讨一种精神层面上的东西,情节的走向显得不是那么重要。正如很多西方的文学作品一样,劳伦斯经常用几页的篇幅细腻地描写一种心理状态,描绘一种性格,或是对一件事大发评论。每个人物都...
評分 評分企鹅出版社的,原汁原味的很有品读质感,其实我个人认为情节蛮普通的,围绕着两对恋人展开,精彩之处在于恋爱时双方的心理刻画传达的很真实,矜持做作,虚荣抑或虚伪,是人该有的情感展露无疑,看完之后又仿佛在写自己,主要是共鸣达到的恰如其分
Women in Love pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025