圖書標籤: 傳記 華盛頓郵報, biography 女權 Journalism 人生 外國文學 商業運營
Personal History pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Katharine Graham's father was a multi-millionaire who left private business and government service to buy and restore the down-and-out Washington Post. Her husband Phil Graham was a brilliant and charismatic man whose plunge into manic depression and eventual suicide is recounted movingly and charitably in this book. Above all, Katharine Graham tells her own story - the contradictions of her privileged yet lonely childhood; the tragic drama of her marriage - and the challenges of her new life as the head of a great newspaper company. An extraordinarily frank, honest and generous book by one of America's most famous and admired women, owner of one of its greatest newspapers, the Washington Post. This is more than the mere life story of a successful woman. It deals with power and politics at the centre, and the relationship between the White House and the press, notably over Watergate.
Katharine Graham was the legendary publisher of The Washington Post. She died in July 2001.
Today is 15th April 2020. I bought the book 6 years ago and just finished reading it. I brought it with me to UK 2018 and to US 2020. It was the book taking me six years to read though half of it was finished in the past two months the stay-in home policy of defeating COVID-19.
評分這本600多頁的自傳,我從4月底看到8月底,真的是花時最久的一本書瞭 這個女人,齣生富裕傢庭,她爹當過美聯儲主席,買下瞭華盛頓郵報,後來她老公接手瞭郵報的運營,她從白富美直接做闊太太,(他們各地的傢都是城堡那種規模的。。。帶湖)到46歲一直是超有錢的傢庭婦女角色。 然後。。。經曆瞭父親去世,老公齣軌,老公躁鬱,老公自殺。。。一夜之間需要靠她撐起一個企業,而她這輩子隻有剛大學畢業那一年的工作經驗。 這經曆是不是比電影都刺激!起點小說都不敢這麼寫的。後來就是這個女人帶領郵報完美渡過瞭五角大樓文件,水門事件等等危機,讓郵報從一傢華盛頓地區的小報紙變為全世界都有影響力的聲音,中間處理各種危機所錶現齣的韌性,冷靜,好學,勤奮,寬容,以及來源於傢庭背景的自信,讓人發自內心的欽佩。
《华盛顿邮报》是美国华盛顿最大、最老的报纸。1970年代初通过揭露水门事件迫使尼克松总统退职,《华盛顿邮报》获得了国际威望。而带领《华盛顿邮报》走上这一鼎盛时刻的领导者是一位女性,这位女性就是凯瑟琳·格雷厄姆。 她出生豪门,嫁给哈佛大学毕业的高材生,婚后甘愿放弃...
評分中文版的劣质翻译真是糟蹋了这本普利策获奖传记。水门事件部分和邮报主编Ben Bradlee的A Good Life 相差无几,Graham 能给中国读者最大的奉献不是勇敢的公开私生活的细节,而是从最核心处展示了邮报上升为和时报齐名的报纸的过程。
評分凯瑟琳·格雷厄姆把她的自传命名为《个人历史》,很显然,这是一个低调的书名,因为这部自传不仅仅是一个女人的个人历史,也不仅仅是《华盛顿邮报》的历史,更是一部角度独特的美国近现代史。 凯瑟琳·格雷厄姆所处的时代,从大的范围说,是美国近现代史上“大时代”频出的年...
評分美国有这样一个女人,父亲是美联储的主席,母亲是社交名媛,从小锦衣玉食的她,却在结婚后面对难以想象的遭遇:自己的丈夫公开出轨与小三出双入对,随后饮弹自尽;总统曾经把她叫到白宫的卧室,一件一件的当面脱掉自己的衣服。而位高权重的司法部长则当众威胁: 她的奶头会被大...
評分Personal History pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025