圖書標籤: 網球 傳記 Nadal 自傳 納豆 rafa 豆子 Rafa
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What makes a champion? What does it take to be the best in the world at your sport? Rafael Nadal has the answers. In his memoir, written with award-winning journalist John Carlin, he reveals the secrets of his game and shares the inspiring personal story behind his success. It begins in Mallorca, where the tight-knit Nadal family has lived for generations. Coached by his uncle Toni from the age of four and taught humility and respect by his parents, Nadal has managed the uncommon feat of becoming an acclaimed global celebrity while remaining a gracious, hardworking role model for people in all walks of life. Now he takes us behind the scenes, from winning the Wimbledon 2008 final—described by John McEnroe as “the greatest game of tennis” he had ever seen—to the family problems that brought him low in 2009 and the numerous injuries that have threatened his career. With candor and intelligence, Nadal brings readers on his dramatic and triumphant journey, never losing sight of the prize he values above all others: the unity and love of his family. From RAFA: "During a match, you are in a permanent battle to fight back your everyday vulnerabilities, bottle up your human feelings. The more bottled up they are, the greater your chances of winning, so long as you’ve trained as hard as you play and the gap in talent is not too wide between you and your rival. The gap in talent with Federer existed, but it was not impossibly wide. It was narrow enough, even on his favorite surface in the tournament he played best, for me to know that if I silenced the doubts and fears, and exaggerated hopes, inside my head better than he did, I could beat him. You have to cage yourself in protective armor, turn yourself into a bloodless warrior. It’s a kind of self-hypnosis, a game you play, with deadly seriousness, to disguise your own weaknesses from yourself, as well as from your rival."
原籍英國,目前是世界發行量最大的西班牙語報紙《國傢報》(El Pais)的資深國際撰稿人。他的作品《勇者無懼》(Invictus)曾被改編為同名電影。
2018 #8 || 不虧為我心中的GOAT,刻苦,謙虛,隱忍,堅持…無盡的汗水淚水與傷痛,造就瞭手握11座火槍手、17座大滿貫的豆子。書中講到瞭豆子的成長以及傢庭環境對他日後性格的塑造、傢庭對他的重要性,以及拋去場上的無畏氣勢私下裏隻是個敏感害羞的大男孩。也從第一視角還原瞭之前幾場史詩級對決,最後想看到費牛和小德的讀後感????
評分幾乎把豆子除瞭揪褲子之外的其他小習慣都解釋清楚瞭 戴杯打美國隊對Andy的經曆真是喜聞樂見 職業球員的好勝心有時候真是可怕啊 後半部分比起前半部分雞肋瞭很多 還是一本給豆粉看的書 我就走馬觀花咯
評分讀一本書 瞭解一個人多一點點
評分我還是覺得這孩子的價值觀絕對是有點扭麯的- -
評分它让我学会了: -----“你是谁,和你做出什么成功的事情,这是两回事”,球场上他是严肃,坚定的狮子;生活中他矛盾,胆小,怕死,随和,低调,谦虚,忍耐。 -----家庭和睦团结是多么的重要,正所谓“家和万事兴”,他们的支持和帮助,还有团队成员长期的合作和发自内心的理...
Rafa pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025