图书标签: 心理学 神经科学 思维 冥想 大脑 佛学 禅宗 思想
Buddha's Brain pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Jesus, Gandhi, and the Buddha all had brains built essentially like anyone else's, yet they were able to harness their thoughts and shape their patterns of thinking in ways that changed history. With new breakthroughs in modern neuroscience and the wisdom of thousands of years of contemplative practice, it is possible for us to shape our own thoughts in a similar way for greater happiness, love, compassion, and wisdom. "Buddha's Brain" joins the forces of modern neuroscience with ancient contemplative teachings to show readers how they can work toward greater emotional well-being, healthier relationships, more effective actions, and deepened religious and spiritual understanding. This book will explain how the core elements of both psychological well-being and religious or spiritual life - virtue, mindfulness, and wisdom - are based in the core functions of the brain: regulating, learning, and valuing.
里克•汉森 博士,是一位冥想教练,同时也是一位神经心理学家。
理查德•蒙迪思 博士,是一位神经学家,从事内科医生近30年。
2020/002 这本书通过冥想解释了禅的一些观念,贪嗔痴,定等等。另外,还从神经科学的方面略略的介绍了大脑,或者说神经科学跟我们情绪、记忆之间的关联。这是一个很有趣的角度,拓宽了我对大脑,冥想和禅的一些认识。 全书共十章,十种冥想方法介绍加赠最后的冥想美食菜单。十...
评分冥想方法: 1. 背挺直 2. 吸气,数1,2,3,4,5,停顿一下,呼气,同样数数,完全沉浸在呼吸中 A. 静观以往的感情经历,作为一个公正无私的旁观者,体会所有的想法和感觉、 B. 想象美好的事物,或者回忆品味美好的经历,让愉快的感觉充满全身,强化这种体验,最终化为内在动...
评分一本介绍冥想的书。 这几年,关于灵修,关于冥想的话题非常多。我第一次接触冥想是做瑜伽的最后做的瑜伽冥想,第一次做的时候,很快竟然睡着了,但是冥想的状态并不是入睡,所以我的第一次冥想应该说是失败的了。 在那之后也尝试过几次冥想,但并没有书名所说的"冥想五分钟等于...
评分Buddha's Brain pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025