圖書標籤: 數學 代數 範德瓦爾登 抽象代數 代數學 進階 經典 科學
代數學II pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
第12章 綫性代數
12.1 環上的模
12.2 Euclid環中的模、不變因子
12.3 Abel群的基本定理
12.4 錶示與錶示模
12.5 交換域中一個方陣的標準形
12.6 不變因子與特徵函數
12.7 二次型與Hermite型
第13章 代數
13.1 直和與直交
13.2 代數舉例
13.3 積與叉積
13.4 作為帶算子群的代數,模與錶示
13.5 小根與大根
13.6 星積
13.7 滿足極小條件的環
13.8 雙邊分解與中心分解
13.9 單環與本原環
13.10 直和的自同態環
13.11 半單環與單環的結構定理
13.12 代數在基域擴張下的動態
第14章 群與代數的錶示論
14.1 問題的提齣
14.2 代數的錶示
14.3 戶心的錶示
14.4 跡與特徵標
14.5 有限群的錶示
14.6 群特徵標
14.7 對稱群的錶示
14.8 綫性變換半群
14.9 雙模與代數之積
14.10 單代數的分裂域
14.11 Brauer群,因子係
第15章 交換環的一般理想論
15.1 Noether環
15.2 理想的積與商
15.3 素理想與準素理想
15.4 一般分解定理
15.5 第一唯一性定理
15.6 孤立分支與符號冪
15.7 無公因子的理想論
15.8 單素理想
15.9 商環
15.10 一個理想一切冪的交
15.11 理想的長度,Noether環中的素理想鏈
第16章 多項式理想論
16.1 代數流形
16.2 泛域
16.3 素理想的零點
16.4 維數
16.5 Hilbert零點定理,齊次方程的結式組
16.6 準素理想
16.7 Noether定理
16.8 多維理想歸結到零維理想
第17章 代數整量
17.1 有限n模
17.2 關於一個環的整量
17.3 一個域的整量
17.4 古典理想論的公理根據
17.5 上節結果的逆及其推論
17.6 分式理想
17.7 任意整閉整環中的理想論
第18章 賦值域
18.1 賦值
18.2 完備擴張
18.3 有理數域的賦值
18.4 代數擴域的賦值:完備情形
18.5 代數擴域的賦值:一般情形
18.6 代數數域的賦值
18.7 有理函數域△(χ)的賦值
18.8 逼近定理
第19章 單變量代數函數
19.1 按局部單值化元的級數展開
19.2 除子及其倍元
19.3 虧格
19.4 嚮量與協嚮量
19.5 微分,關於特殊指數的定理
19.6 Riemann-Roch定理
19.7 函數域的可分生成元
19.8 古典情形下的微分和積分
19.9 留數定理的證明
第20章 拓撲代數
20.1 拓撲空間的概念
20.2 鄰域基
20.3 連續,極限
20.4 分離公理和可數公理
20.5 拓撲群
20.6 單位元的鄰域
20.7 子群和商群
20.8 T環和T體
20.9 用基本序列作群的完備化
20.10 濾網
20.11 用Cauchy濾網作群的完備化
20.12 拓撲嚮量空間
20.13 環的完備化
20.14 體的完備化
Bartel Leendert van der Waerden (February 2, 1903, Amsterdam, Netherlands – January 12, 1996, Zürich, Switzerland) was a Dutch mathematician.
Van der Waerden learned advanced mathematics at the University of Amsterdam and the University of Göttingen, from 1919 until 1926. He was much influenced by Emmy Noether at Göttingen. Amsterdam awarded him a Ph.D. for a thesis on algebraic geometry, supervised by Hendrick de Vries. Göttingen awarded him the habilitation in 1928.
In his 27th year, Van der Waerden published his Algebra, an influential two-volume treatise on abstract algebra, still cited, and perhaps the first treatise to treat the subject as a comprehensive whole. This work systematized an ample body of research by Emmy Noether, David Hilbert, Richard Dedekind, and Emil Artin. In the following year, 1931, he was appointed professor at the University of Leipzig.
The Third Reich made life difficult for Van der Waerden as a foreigner teaching in Germany, but he refused to give up his Dutch nationality. He filled the chair in mathematics at the University of Amsterdam, 1948–1951, then moved to the University of Zurich, where he spent the rest of his career, supervising more than 40 Ph.D. students.
Van der Waerden is mainly remembered for his work on abstract algebra. He also wrote on algebraic geometry, topology, number theory, geometry, combinatorics, analysis, probability and statistics, and quantum mechanics (he and Heisenberg had been colleagues at Leipzig). In his later years, he turned to the history of mathematics and science. His historical writings include Ontwakende wetenschap (1950), which was translated into English as Science Awakening (1954), Geometry and Algebra in Ancient Civilizations (1983), and A History of Algebra (1985).
代數學II pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025