圖書標籤: 長篇小說 愛爾蘭 Donal-Ryan 愛爾蘭文學 小說 七堇年 Doubleday DonalRyan
From a Low and Quiet Sea pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
A new moving novel of three men, each searching for something they have lost, from the award-winning and Man Booker nominated author Donal Ryan.
For Farouk, family is all. He has protected his wife and daughter as best he can from the war and hatred that has torn Syria apart. If they stay, they will lose their freedom, will become lesser persons. If they flee, they will lose all they have known of home, for some intangible dream of refuge in some faraway land across the merciless sea.
Lampy is distracted; he has too much going on in his small town life in Ireland. He has the city girl for a bit of fun, but she's not Chloe, and Chloe took his heart away when she left him. There's the secret his mother will never tell him. His granddad's little sniping jokes are getting on his wick. And on top of all that, he has a bus to drive; those old folks from the home can't wait all day.
The game was always the lifeblood coursing through John's veins: manipulating people for his enjoyment, or his enrichment, or his spite. But it was never enough. The ghost of his beloved brother, and the bitter disappointment of his father, have shadowed him all his life. But now that lifeblood is slowing down, and he's not sure if God will listen to his pleas for forgiveness. Three men, searching for some version of home, their lives moving inexorably towards a reckoning that will draw them all together.
Donal Ryan is from Nenagh in County Tipperary. His first two novels, The Spinning Heart and The Thing About December, and his short story collection A Slanting of the Sun, have all been published to major acclaim. The Spinning Heart won the Guardian First Book Award, the EU Prize for Literature (Ireland), and Book of the Year at the Irish Book Awards; it was shortlisted for the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award; and longlisted for the Man Booker Prize and the Desmond Elliott Prize. The Thing About December was shortlisted for the Kerry Group Irish Novel of the Year and Novel of the Year at the Irish Book Awards, and the title story of A Slanting of the Sun won the writing.ie Short Story of the Year at the Irish Book Awards. His third novel, All We Shall Know, will be published in autumn 2016. Donal holds a Writing Fellowship at the University of Limerick. He lives with his wife Anne Marie and their two children just outside Limerick City.
評分2018年布剋奬長名單入圍作品(希望能夠更進一步,入圍短名單甚至是斬獲大奬);實際上,生於1976年的Donal Ryan(比較遺憾的是,其作品國內暫無中譯本齣版)早在2012年便憑藉著其處女作The Spinning Heart入圍瞭當年布剋奬的長名單。迴到作品本身,這本小書的可讀性與文學性都不錯,作者通過自己拿手的多角度敘事(早在其處女作中,Ryan便將這一技巧發揮的淋灕盡緻——那本書裏有多達21個“聲音”在講述各自的故事!),以細膩的筆觸,純屬的文學技巧,典雅的敘事展現瞭三位主人公的心路曆程,並在最後一部分讓三人的人生産生瞭微妙的聯係。作者的行文流暢,文字不俗,且能在看似平常的生活錶象之下“發掘”齣人類內心的波瀾起伏與情感湧動。這本關於尋找失去之物的小說讀來的確讓人動容。
評分2018年布剋奬長名單入圍作品(希望能夠更進一步,入圍短名單甚至是斬獲大奬);實際上,生於1976年的Donal Ryan(比較遺憾的是,其作品國內暫無中譯本齣版)早在2012年便憑藉著其處女作The Spinning Heart入圍瞭當年布剋奬的長名單。迴到作品本身,這本小書的可讀性與文學性都不錯,作者通過自己拿手的多角度敘事(早在其處女作中,Ryan便將這一技巧發揮的淋灕盡緻——那本書裏有多達21個“聲音”在講述各自的故事!),以細膩的筆觸,純屬的文學技巧,典雅的敘事展現瞭三位主人公的心路曆程,並在最後一部分讓三人的人生産生瞭微妙的聯係。作者的行文流暢,文字不俗,且能在看似平常的生活錶象之下“發掘”齣人類內心的波瀾起伏與情感湧動。這本關於尋找失去之物的小說讀來的確讓人動容。
From a Low and Quiet Sea pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025