圖書標籤: 社會學 英文原版 JonRonson 社會 英國文學 社會心理學 原文書 NonFiction
So You've Been Publicly Shamed pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Now a New York Times bestseller and from the author of The Psychopath Test, a captivating and brilliant exploration of one of our world's most underappreciated forces: shame.
'It's about the terror, isn't it?'
'The terror of what?' I said.
'The terror of being found out.'
For the past three years, Jon Ronson has travelled the world meeting recipients of high-profile public shamings. The shamed are people like us - people who, say, made a joke on social media that came out badly, or made a mistake at work. Once their transgression is revealed, collective outrage circles with the force of a hurricane and the next thing they know they're being torn apart by an angry mob, jeered at, demonized, sometimes even fired from their job.
A great renaissance of public shaming is sweeping our land. Justice has been democratized. The silent majority are getting a voice. But what are we doing with our voice? We are mercilessly finding people's faults. We are defining the boundaries of normality by ruining the lives of those outside it. We are using shame as a form of social control.
Simultaneously powerful and hilarious in the way only Jon Ronson can be, So You've Been Publicly Shamed is a deeply honest book about modern life, full of eye-opening truths about the escalating war on human flaws - and the very scary part we all play in it.
Jon Ronson is a writer and documentary filmmaker. His work includes the international bestsellers Them: Adventures With Extremists and The Men Who Stare at Goats, which was adapted into a major motion picture starring George Clooney, Ewan McGregor, Kevin Spacey and Jeff Bridges.
A contributor to The Guardian, Ronson is the author of the columns "Human Zoo" and "Out of the Ordinary". He writes and presents the BBC Radio 4 series, Jon Ronson On...
For Channel 4, Jon has made a number of films including the five-part series Secret Rulers of the World and Tottenham Ayatollah. His most recent documentaries are Reverend Death (Channel 4), Citizen Kubrick (More4) and Robbie Williams and Jon Ronson Journey to the Other Side (Radio 4).
In the US, he is a contributor to Public Radio International's This American Life.
其實還是蠻瑣碎的,也沒有太多理論,但眾多事件和人物讓public shaming這個主題變得愈加復雜和深刻,教你要善良。
評分Refreshing insights into public shaming (formed by illusion of doing something good and enhanced by feedback loops). The first half is especially fascinating! The work is so articulately expressed.
評分不算Ronson的最好作品,但是讓我想起一些事情。而且,很多Twitter的點其實在我們身邊都可以看到瞭不是嗎?不是有沒有包容心的問題,而是evil is protected by the crowd。a snowflake never feels responsible for the avalanche /I refuse to feel ashamed, that's the only way to win it out.
推特 私设公堂? 小雪花永远不会觉得自己需要对大雪崩负责。 公开羞辱是否只有缺陷?公开羞辱与社交羞辱的区别 古斯塔夫*勒庞 乌合之众-群体的疯狂 聪明的演说-群体被极端情绪打动 夸大其词,言之凿凿,不断重复,绝不以说理的方式证明任何事 菲利普.津巴多 缺乏睡眠对精神的影...
評分《千夫所指,社交网络时代的道德制裁》看完。 作者是乔恩罗森,记住老外的名字不是我的特长。 这本书主要讲述网络时代出现的公共羞辱,是由公共社交平台中的群体言论所造成的一种心理创伤。发生一件事情,无论事情真实面貌如何,每个人都以自己所见所想的角度来解读,批评,谩...
評分看完乔恩·罗森所著的《千夫所指,社交网络时代的道德制裁》这本书,联想到自己所看到的种种,觉得心有余悸,生怕一个不小心,也成为互联网上千夫所指的对象。 这本书主要讲述了作者对经历了网络暴力的人的采访与观察,描述了这些人的经历、心路历程。作者把这种在网络上众人对...
評分实在想不到标题了,最近老看到这句话倒是挺有感触的。 社会心理确实是一块非常有意思的领域,尤其是在当今发达的网络环境里,由于网络的广泛性和网络身份的匿名性变得更加复杂,而更有意思。键盘侠,说实话,不管在网络上发表支持还是反对的言论,都可以称为键盘侠。名人离婚,...
So You've Been Publicly Shamed pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025