圖書標籤: BohumilHrabal 歐洲 文學 捷剋 德國 小說 小說 外國文學
I Served the King of England pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
In a comic masterpiece following the misadventures of a simple but hugely ambitious waiter in pre-World War II Prague, who rises to wealth only to lose everything with the onset of Communism, Bohumil Hrabal takes us on a tremendously funny and satirical trip through 20th-century Czechoslovakia. First published in 1971 in a typewritten edition, then finally printed in book form in 1989, "I Served the King of England" is "an extraordinary and subtly tragicomic novel" ("The New York Times"), telling the tale of Ditie, a hugely ambitious but simple waiter in a deluxe Prague hotel in the years before World War II. Ditie is called upon to serve not the King of England, but Haile Selassie. It is one of the great moments in his life. Eventually, he falls in love with a Nazi woman athlete as the Germans are invading Czechoslovakia. After the war, through the sale of valuable stamps confiscated from the Jews, he reaches the heights of his ambition, building a hotel. He becomes a millionaire, but with the institution of communism, he loses everything and is sent to inspect mountain roads. Living in dreary circumstances, Ditie comes to terms with the inevitability of his death, and with his place in history.
博鬍米爾·赫拉巴爾(Bohumil Hrabal, 1914-1997),捷剋作傢。作品大多描寫普通、平凡、默默無聞、被拋棄在「時代垃圾堆上的人」。他對這些人寄予同情與愛憐,並且融入他們的生活,以文字發掘他們心靈深處的美,刻畫齣一群平凡又奇特的人物形象,小說裡充滿捷剋的氣味。
我是从影片按图索骥找来原著阅读的,尽管,几年前此书出版的时候我见到,却由于当时沉浸于经济类所谓硬阅读,对小说嗤之以鼻,翻都懒得翻开。 即便第一眼看到影片的时候,也丝毫没有注意,海报是个挂着勋章的躯干,连脸孔都被隐在画面之外。对片名望文生义以为是个什么旁观者...
評分⑴【经典细节1,可与电影版作比】 我等着人们走过这附近时,便从兜里掏出一把硬币抛到空中,然后立即抓起篮子提手,买我的石竹花去了。我一直朝前走着,拐弯之前我回头看了一眼,之见地上还趴着好几个行人,每个人都觉得这些硬币是为他而掉下来的。他们互相争吵着,逼着对方把...
評分 評分读完真的觉得全书都像是赫尔·蒂迪尔讲给小酒店老乡们的故事,在一个又一个被期待的众人簇拥着的夜晚,他徐徐讲述着自己一生的故事。其实在我的想象中这本要拍电影的话韦斯安德森是最合适的,大概会呈现出类似《布达佩斯大饭店》的效果吧,鲜明的色彩和交织的悲伤与幽默,稍微...
評分我是从影片按图索骥找来原著阅读的,尽管,几年前此书出版的时候我见到,却由于当时沉浸于经济类所谓硬阅读,对小说嗤之以鼻,翻都懒得翻开。 即便第一眼看到影片的时候,也丝毫没有注意,海报是个挂着勋章的躯干,连脸孔都被隐在画面之外。对片名望文生义以为是个什么旁观者...
I Served the King of England pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025