圖書標籤: VSI 哲學 印度 宗教 Philosophy 隨手翻 朋友的 奇葩的國傢是我的愛
Indian Philosophy pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
India has a long, rich, and diverse tradition of philosophical thought, spanning some two and a half millennia and encompassing several major religious traditions. This very short introduction emphasizes the diversity of Indian thought, and is structured around six schools which have achieved classic status. Sue Hamilton explores how the traditions have attempted to understand the nature of reality in terms of an inner or spiritual quest, and introduces distinctively Indian concepts such as karma and rebirth. She also shows how Indian thinkers have understood issues of reality and knowledge - issues which are also an important part of the Western philosophical tradition.
評分One of novels by japanese writer Syuusaku Endoh raised my interest in India.Therefore I read this book in oder to primarily know the indian philosophy. Different from western philosophy, indian philosophy is not seperate clearly with religion. And indian scholars use cognition and perception to attain the nature of cosmo and reality.
序言 湛 如 印度哲学与中国哲学、西方哲学被并称为世界的三大哲学传统,印度与中国同为世界文明古国,印度文化在世界上占有重要地位。印度哲学是印度文化的基本组成部分,具有较强的系统性和逻辑性,理论深邃,源远流长,中国、日本等国传统文化中包含着很多印度文化的影子与...
評分Chapter2 婆罗门起源 1.约公元前2000年:建立在仪式活动基础上的吠陀献祭传统被雅利安人带到了印度西北部。该传统被婆罗门的僧侣们保留和执行着; 2.约公元前800年——公元前500年: (1)在早期奥义书的教义记录里,提到了知识是最为重要的;婆罗门传统也信奉这些教义; (2)...
評分序言 公元前6世纪以后到公元4世纪,婆罗门教系统内部出现了分歧,导致六派哲学的先后形成,六派哲学均承认吠陀权威,这一时期也被称为“经典时期”。沙门思潮的兴起在一定程度上给婆罗门教带来了较为严重的危机。佛教的缘起论、主张诸行无常等观念则是与婆罗门教的最大不同。 ...
評分作为通识来说很不错的一本小书,但是在中文翻译里有一些问题,指出几处印象比较深的: Veda在书里大多译成《吠陀经》,对于一般读者来说可能会认为吠陀是一部“经”(就像佛经那样),但实际上这里的Veda,按照语境不同,应该指几部吠陀文献本身或属于吠陀类的文献。 “帕尼尼...
Indian Philosophy pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025