圖書標籤: Thomas_Hardy 英國文學 英文原版 外國文學 英國 小說 ThomasHardy 愛情
The Return of the Native pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
A new edition of Thomas Hardy's timeless novel of two pairs of mismatched lovers.
One of Hardy's classic statements about modern love, courtship, and marriage, The Return of the Native is set in the pastoral village of Egdon Heath. The fiery Eustacia Vye, wishing only for passionate love, believes that her escape from Egdon lies in her marriage to Clym Yeobright, the returning "native," home from Paris and discontented with his work there. Clym wishes to remain in Egdon, however--a desire that sets him in opposition to his wife and brings them both to despair. Behind the narrative of The Return of the Native lie the tragic fates of Flaubert's Madame Bovary and Oedipus, and in writing the novel Hardy endowed his ordinary characters with the status of tragic heroes, seen especially in the ill-fated lovers and Damon Wildeve, who spoil their chances to master their own destinies. The Introduction and Notes featured in this new edition incorporate the most up-to-date scholarship on Thomas Hardy.
Edited with Notes by Tony Slade with an Introduction by Penny Boumelha.
評分I listen only because I love snap!
評分我有Alan Rickman朗讀的有聲書,如果有想要的我可以上傳
全书最具情绪感染力的一段,便是尤苔莎人生最后一次的挣扎。 这段描写体现了尤苔莎这一人物形象的复杂性。在传统高尚的人格方面,她虽然没有可取之处,她对抗“荒原”的生活方式,也是陈旧而俗套的,即祈求通过爱情和婚姻,寻求精神满足,离开荒原。但是,哈代笔下,尤苔莎与韦...
評分几年前看过《冷山》,据说是讲述人与自然的关系的,还得过一个什么什么畅销书奖,看过之后一头雾水,窃以为原小说的水平差强人意。 哈代的书确是经典,荒原在他的笔下颇具魔幻色彩。极轻巧的笔触写出了荒原的厚重,笃悠悠的情节对比着荒原的凝固。真实的人物生活在半真实的环境...
評分抱着无限的期待,看完了这部小说,有一点点小失望。 失望的是作者对文中两位女主人公约布赖特太太和尤苔莎离奇死亡的处理,显得有点做作。 约布莱特太太大概50岁左右,在酷热的天气中走了好几公里的路,然后被蛇咬伤中毒,不治身亡。尤苔莎在午夜离家出走的时候,不幸跌入河中...
評分哈代的小说总是把主角的经历写的很凄惨。《苔丝》中苔丝的受辱导致的两人的长久的分离与折磨;《裘德》里裘德的肺结核病,以及孩子们灾难性的死亡。这无疑都是要把人彻底击跨啊! 《还乡》的前半段舒缓平静,到中程突然巨浪一个接着一个,矛盾终于完全的展现在了眼前。 ...
The Return of the Native pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025