图书标签: ChuckPalahniuk 小说 美国 英文原版 Palahniuk Chuck_Palahniuk 英文 文学
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Book Description
The first rule about fight club is you don't talk about fight club. Chuck Palahniuk's outrageous and startling debut novel that exploded American literature and spawned a movement. Every weekend, in the basements and parking lots of bars across the country, young men with white-collar jobs and failed lives take off their shoes and shirts and fight each other barehanded just as long as they have to. Then they go back to those jobs with blackened eyes and loosened teeth and the sense that they can handle anything. Fight club is the invention of Tyler Durden, projectionist, waiter, and dark, anarchic genius, and it's only the beginning of his plans for violent revenge on an empty consumer-culture world.
The only person who gets called Ballardesque more often than Chuck Palahniuk is, well... J.G. Ballard. So, does Portland, Oregon's "torchbearer for the nihilistic generation" deserve that kind of treatment? Yes and no. There is a resemblance between Fight Club and works such as Crash and Cocaine Nights in that both see the innocuous mundanities of everyday life as nothing more than the severely loosened cap on a seething underworld cauldron of unchecked impulse and social atrocity. Welcome to the present-day U.S. of A. As Ballard's characters get their jollies from staging automobile accidents, Palahniuk's yuppies unwind from a day at the office by organizing bloodsport rings and selling soap to fund anarchist overthrows. Let's just say that neither of these guys are going to be called in to do a Full House script rewrite any time soon.
But while the ingredients are the same, Ballard and Palahniuk bake at completely different temperatures. Unlike his British counterpart, who tends to cast his American protagonists in a chilly light, holding them close enough to dissect but far enough away to eliminate any possibility of kinship, Palahniuk isn't happy unless he's first-person front and center, completely entangled in the whole sordid mess. An intensely psychological novel that never runs the risk of becoming clinical, Fight Club is about both the dangers of loyalty and the dreaded weight of leadership, the desire to band together and the compulsion to head for the hills. In short, it's about the pride and horror of being an American, rendered in lethally swift prose. Fight Club's protagonist might occasionally become foggy about who he truly is (you'll see what I mean), but one thing is for certain: you're not likely to forget the book's author. Never mind Ballardesque. Palahniukian here we come!
--Bob Michaels
From Publishers Weekly
Featuring soap made from human fat, waiters at high-class restaurants who do unmentionable things to soup and an underground organization dedicated to inflicting a violent anarchy upon the land, Palahniuk's apocalyptic first novel is clearly not for the faint of heart. The unnamed (and extremely unreliable) narrator, who makes his living investigating accidents for a car company in order to assess their liability, is combating insomnia and a general sense of anomie by attending a steady series of support-group meetings for the grievously ill, at one of which (testicular cancer) he meets a young woman named Marla. She and the narrator get into a love triangle of sorts with Tyler Durden, a mysterious and gleefully destructive young man with whom the narrator starts a fight club, a secret society that offers young professionals the chance to beat one another to a bloody pulp. Mayhem ensues, beginning with the narrator's condo exploding and culminating with a terrorist attack on the world's tallest building. Writing in an ironic deadpan and including something to offend everyone, Palahniuk is a risky writer who takes chances galore, especially with a particularly bizarre plot twist he throws in late in the book. Caustic, outrageous, bleakly funny, violent and always unsettling, Palahniuk's utterly original creation will make even the most jaded reader sit up and take notice. Movie rights to Fox 2000.
From Booklist
In the world of Fight Club, healthy young people go to meetings of cancer support groups because only there can they find human warmth and compassion. It's a world where young men gather in the basements of bars to fight strangers "just as long as they have to." And it's a world where "nobody cared if he lived or died, and the feeling was fucking mutual." Messianic nihilist Tyler Durden is the inventor of Fight Club. Soon thousands of young men across the country are reporting to their work cubes with flattened noses, blackened eyes, and shattered teeth, looking forward to their next bare-knuckle maiming. The oracular, increasingly mysterious Durden then begins to harness the despair, alienation, and violence he sees so clearly into complete anarchy. Every generation frightens and unnerves its parents, and Palahniuk's first novel is gen X's most articulate assault yet on baby-boomer sensibilities. This is a dark and disturbing book that dials directly into youthful angst and will likely horrify the parents of teens and twentysomethings. It's also a powerful, and possibly brilliant, first novel.
Thomas Gaughan
From Kirkus Reviews
Brutal and relentless debut fiction takes anarcho-S&M chic to a whole new level--in a creepy, dystopic, confrontational novel that's also cynically smart and sharply written. Palahniuk's insomniac narrator, a drone who works as a product recall coordinator, spends his free time crashing support groups for the dying. But his after-hours life changes for the weirder when he hooks up with Tyler Durden, a waiter and projectionist with plans to screw up the world--he's a ``guerilla terrorist of the service industry.'' ``Project Mayhem'' seems taken from a page in The Anarchist Cookbook and starts small: Durden splices subliminal scenes of porno into family films and he spits into customers' soup. Things take off, though, when he begins the fight club--a gruesome late-night sport in which men beat each other up as partial initiation into Durden's bigger scheme...This brilliant bit of nihilism succeeds where so many self- described transgressive novels do not: It's dangerous because it's so compelling. (First serial to Story)
About Author
Chuck Palahniuk ist franz?sisch-russischer Abstammung und 1962 geboren. Er hat bereits vier Romane ver?ffentlicht, von denen bisher nur "Fight Club" auf Deutsch erschienen ist. Der Autor lebt in Portland, Oregon. Weitere Romane sind bei Manhattan in Vorbereitung.
Book Dimension:
length: (cm)25 width:(cm)13
恰克‧ 帕拉尼克Chuck Palahniuk, 1962-出生美国靠近沙漠地带小镇,身上流有俄罗斯和法国裔的血液,恰克‧帕拉尼克小孩子时,和双亲去墓园探望祖父母的墓地,面对墓碑上的名字,询问他的姓Palahniuk要如何发音,他的母亲指着墓碑上祖父母的的名字,告诉他,就是他来自乌克兰的祖父和祖母的名字,帕拉(Paula)和尼克 (Nick),连起来念。所以也就是帕拉尼克。
他的祖父尼克‧ 帕拉尼克谋杀了他的祖母帕拉‧ 帕拉尼克后,带着枪准备将他四岁的父亲斐德列一起宰掉,但他躲在床底逃过一劫,他的祖父尼克随后用枪把自己的头轰掉。五十多年过后,他的父亲斐德列‧ 帕拉尼克在三结三离之后,因地方报纸上的「我爱红娘」personals,开始和年轻的女人唐娜约会,唐娜的前夫戴尔因为对妻子性虐待而吃上牢饭,假释后尾随斐列德和唐娜的车,跟踪他们,于他们过夜后要开车离去之时,开枪将他们双双射杀,然后将尸体拖回之前他们一起过夜的小屋焚毁。
大学主修新闻,毕业后怎么也找不到报纸当编辑,恰克‧ 帕拉尼克三十老几才开始写作,于1996年出版他的第一本长篇小说《斗阵俱乐部》(Fight Club),这是他所写的第二本长篇,是一本对出版社说FuckU的黑色幽默书,因为他们百般叼难、拒绝出版他的前作,而这本前作《隐形怪物》(Invisible Monsters)到了他成为畅销作家后又成了抢手货。《斗阵俱乐部》的第一版限量精装本并没有受到重视,但因为口碑和特殊的封面设计引发注意之后,不久则成为小经典的畅销书,随后好莱坞将它改编成电影。其畅销程度让他可以摆脱原本柴油车技工的蓝领阶级,买了一栋位居奥瑞冈州波特兰附近的农场专心写作,和一群古怪的朋友住在一起,以及一群鸡。恰克随后出的四本小说,皆混合了讽刺、喜剧、恐怖、真实与美丽,以及他独特的超现实黑色幽默。这些小说的内容一贯他让人咂舌的古怪离奇,包括有整本页码倒着排,描写宗教集体自杀一人独活,在波音747空中爆炸前在几万公尺的高中对着黑盒子讲述生命历程的《残存者》(Survivor)﹔截肢的时尚模特儿爱上变性人、跨越性别疆界线的公路小说《隐形怪物》﹔前医学院学生在餐馆假装痉挛无法呼吸以骗取一个拥抱或金钱的《窒息》(Choke)﹔以及去年出版,描写童谣杀人狂,被号称为21世纪恐怖小说文艺复兴的《摇篮曲》(Lullaby,around系列将于 2004年年初出版中译本)。但恰克却相当幽默而诚恳的说这些都是「浪漫喜剧」,都是有关男孩把女孩的爱情故事。今年八月底他将出版他的最新长篇,从女性口吻描写「昏迷状态」的《日记》(Diary),以及一本波特兰的旅行书《逃亡者与难民》(Fugitives & Refugees)。
评分Being tired isn't the same as being rich, but most times it's close enough.
评分Being tired isn't the same as being rich, but most times it's close enough.
评分去Stanford看到在推荐架上,买了。读过最屌的书 看过最屌的电影没有之一
susan miller的占星运程说今天我会感觉到精疲力竭,果然有够力竭,眼睛至今没力气睁大到使得两个眼皮之间的角度成45度。 人在力竭的时候就很容易绝望,绝望的时候看搏击俱乐部是再好不过。 发现自己真的很喜欢这个故事,当然不排除因为对大卫芬奇的电影和Ed. Norton的苍白颓废...
评分Everything has fallen apart and is still falling apart. But do you know Who is Tyler Durden? Why there is Tyler Durden. He is smart, funny and charming and forceful and independent. And man look up to him and expect him to change his world. Tyler is cap...
评分有过这么本书 他俯身向前,他呼吸里是直接从酒瓶里灌威士忌的酒气。他嘴巴从不会闭紧。他蓝色的眼睛从来都半睁半闭。他一手拿了个盘起来的绳圈,那种老式的麻绳,金灿灿的像他的头发。黄得如同他的牛仔帽。是牛仔用的那种绳子,而且他讲话时直在我脸前摇晃手里的绳子。他背后...
评分1、英文的押韵有时很难用中文翻译表达出来,比如加入破坏小组“Two black shirts, two black socks”那一段话,用英文喊起来就很押韵XD翻译成中文基本上就没啥看头了。 2、中文翻译有一些错字(?)比如“剩下”基本上都会变成“下剩”。但是也知道往往作者、翻译者写对的地...
Fight Club pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024