图书标签: 心理学 creativity 思维 Psychology 创造性 创造力 flow 逻辑思维
Creativity pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024
Creativity is about capturing those moments that make life worth living. The author's objective is to offer an understanding of what leads to these moments, be it the excitement of the artist at the easel or the scientist in the lab, so that knowledge can be used to enrich people's lives. Drawing on 100 interviews with exceptional people, from biologists and physicists to politicians and business leaders, poets and artists, as well as his 30 years of research on the subject, Csikszentmihalyi uses his famous theory to explore the creative process. He discusses such ideas as why creative individuals are often seen as selfish and arrogant, and why the tortured genius is largely a myth. Most important, he clearly explains why creativity needs to be cultivated and is necessary for the future of our country, if not the world.
评分1. Creative personality: complex hybrid 2. Creative process: passion (find the origin and grasp it) --> focus (most time-taking yet rewarding) --> connection (don't forget to reach out and make oneself known) 3. Always remember YOU are the chef. No matter what ingredients you have at hands, try cook the best meal you could.
创造性的涌流 什么是愉悦? 1. 每一步都有明确的目标。当我们处于涌流状态时,我们总是知道需要干什么。 2. 对行动有迅速的反馈。在涌流的状态中,我们知道自己干的有多好。 3. 在挑战和技巧之间有一种平衡。在涌流的状态中,我们发现自己的能力和行动的机会(挑战和难度)搭...
评分为什么想起要做一件事情的时候要立刻去做? 我有过这样的经历,当我想起做某件事情的时候,手头有别的事情或者很懒不想动,或者躺在床上,于是把这件事情加入到“To Do List”中,过一段时间,想从To Do List中把这件事情拿出来变得很困难。本来是自己想做的“主动”的事情,...
评分每一个人的潜意识里都具有过上富有创造力的生活所需的心理能力,4个主要障碍使得很多人无法释放这种潜力 一些人被太多的要求搞得筋疲力竭,很难把握住这些心理能量并激活他们 我们很容易分散注意力,没有学会如何保护和引导我们所具有的能量 懒惰,或者缺乏控制能量流的自制力 ...
评分看看豆瓣上乏人问津,到现在还只印刷了一次就知道这又是一本“默默无闻”的书。也难怪,研究”创造性“的书多半都让人“起疑”——不就是东拼西凑瞎骗钱吗?有人干脆就质疑:创造性也可以研究? 作者名字太拗口了,Csikszentmihalyi,M.,翻译成中文简直更是噩梦,谁能记住一个...
评分好无聊。 一个人漂在魔都,做着份谈不上喜欢的工作,上班,下班,出租屋到公司的两点一线,周末逛超市买些吃的,偶尔逛街 ,剩下时间都宅家里,刷剧或者睡觉,这一周和上一周没区别,这个月和上个月相比也没变化。 报过瑜伽班,舞蹈班等各种培训班,想着学点东西充实自己,但...
Creativity pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024