图书标签: 社会学 美国 社会 Sociology 贫穷 society 非虚构(社科) 英文版
The Working Poor pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
“Nobody who works hard should be poor in America,” writes Pulitzer Prize winner David Shipler. Clear-headed, rigorous, and compassionate, he journeys deeply into the lives of individual store clerks and factory workers, farm laborers and sweat-shop seamstresses, illegal immigrants in menial jobs and Americans saddled with immense student loans and paltry wages. They are known as the working poor.
They perform labor essential to America’s comfort. They are white and black, Latino and Asian--men and women in small towns and city slums trapped near the poverty line, where the margins are so tight that even minor setbacks can cause devastating chain reactions. Shipler shows how liberals and conservatives are both partly right–that practically every life story contains failure by both the society and the individual. Braced by hard fact and personal testimony, he unravels the forces that confine people in the quagmire of low wages. And unlike most works on poverty, this book also offers compelling portraits of employers struggling against razor-thin profits and competition from abroad. With pointed recommendations for change that challenge Republicans and Democrats alike, The Working Poor stands to make a difference.
评分斷斷續續花了大半年(!)終於看完了。working poor這個狀態總是一環扣一環最終形成的。而解決的方法往往又會陷入政黨之間所謂意識形態之爭。整本書看得我有種揮之不去的難過。
一、写这本书的读后感之前先说一个故事: 某个周末和妻子、儿子去中心书城看书玩耍。期间玩累了,估计小家伙也有点饿了,就在附近的某面包店买了面包,坐在北区大台阶补充一下能量。刚坐下旁边的两个人就走了,留下一杯只喝了1/4的奶茶。接着又来了两个小伙子,看起来...
评分一、写这本书的读后感之前先说一个故事: 某个周末和妻子、儿子去中心书城看书玩耍。期间玩累了,估计小家伙也有点饿了,就在附近的某面包店买了面包,坐在北区大台阶补充一下能量。刚坐下旁边的两个人就走了,留下一杯只喝了1/4的奶茶。接着又来了两个小伙子,看起来...
评分一、写这本书的读后感之前先说一个故事: 某个周末和妻子、儿子去中心书城看书玩耍。期间玩累了,估计小家伙也有点饿了,就在附近的某面包店买了面包,坐在北区大台阶补充一下能量。刚坐下旁边的两个人就走了,留下一杯只喝了1/4的奶茶。接着又来了两个小伙子,看起来...
评分一、写这本书的读后感之前先说一个故事: 某个周末和妻子、儿子去中心书城看书玩耍。期间玩累了,估计小家伙也有点饿了,就在附近的某面包店买了面包,坐在北区大台阶补充一下能量。刚坐下旁边的两个人就走了,留下一杯只喝了1/4的奶茶。接着又来了两个小伙子,看起来...
评分一、写这本书的读后感之前先说一个故事: 某个周末和妻子、儿子去中心书城看书玩耍。期间玩累了,估计小家伙也有点饿了,就在附近的某面包店买了面包,坐在北区大台阶补充一下能量。刚坐下旁边的两个人就走了,留下一杯只喝了1/4的奶茶。接着又来了两个小伙子,看起来...
The Working Poor pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025