圖書標籤: 計算機科學 緻用類 美國 思考方法 工具類 學術生涯 判斷與決策 Thouless
Straight & Crooked Thinking pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
This new edition of a timeless classic demonstrates how the use of clear, rational thinking and logic can win any argument, however emotionally charged the topic in question. It describes the typical flaws of reasoning in argument and shows how language can be used to deceive - and how to avoid being deceived. It will show you how, by learning what is 'straight', rational language, and clear thought, you can disentangle emotionally charged rhetoric and hold your own in any argument or debate, no matter how challenging. Although written nearly 80 years ago, this book proves that certain principles remain timeless; it has shown many thousands over the decades how to cope with media spin and distorted reasoning - and now it will do the same for you.
本書作者勞伯﹒蕭勒士(Robert H. Thouless)是英國格拉斯哥大學(Glasgow University)心理學教授。一八九四年,他生於英格蘭諾福剋(Norfolk)郡首府諾裏奇(Norwich)市。一九一五年畢業於劍橋大學(Cambridge Univer sity)並取得學士之學位。第一次世界大戰期中,他服役於一通信勤務部隊之聯隊部,充任軍士教官。以後,即隨英國遠徵軍開赴希臘之薩羅尼加海港(Salonica),當時他已躍升為軍官,且仍服役於該通信勤務部隊中。大戰結束後,他解甲歸田並獻身於心理學之研究工作。一九二三年,他完成瞭他的第一部創作「宗教心理學入門」(An Introduction to the Psychology of Religion)。翌年,他即受聘任格拉斯哥大學(Glasgow University)心理係係主任,以迄於今。他的第二部著作「理智的控製」(Control of the Mind)於一九二八年齣版。自後,他又寫瞭許多關於心理學方麵的作品以及一篇簡短的諾以取城之神秘學者硃麗安女士傳(Lady Julian) 。其另一著作「正確與歪麯之思想」(Straight and Crooked Thinking)於一九三二年初版於美國。本書「如何使思想正確」(How to Think Straight)實乃「正確與歪麯之思想」一書經充實內容後之完整修訂版。
林炳錚 ,1928 ~ 2007,福建福州人。師大英語係畢業,後執教於師大至1995年退休,作育英纔無數。課餘翻譯英文典籍,並曾編譯東華書局《牛津高級英英英漢雙解字典》。
Straight & Crooked Thinking pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025