图书标签: 室内设计 AxelVervoordt 设计 艺术 日本 日本文化 室内 ,侘寂,赤贫
Axel Vervoordt pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Interior design guru Axel Vervoordt shares his latest inspirations for the home. Axel Vervoordt’s intense curiosity has fueled his work as an interior designer, spurring him to explore and draw inspiration from cultures around the globe. He was first exposed to Eastern art and philosophy years ago, but today it has become the guiding principle in his work, particularly the concept of Wabi. Developed in the twelfth century, Wabi advocates simplicity and humility, the rejection of all that is superfluous or artificial. Through extraordinary photographs from Japan and Korea to Belgium and Switzerland, Vervoordt invites us to explore the elements that inspire him: natural materials and time-worn objects that evoke the essence of Wabi. Today, together with the Japanese architect Tatsuro Miki, Vervoordt carries the principles of Wabi into his remarkable interiors. As Vervoordt reveals how he infuses his current creations with a fundamentally oriental approach, interiors devotees will gain new insight from this tribute to the designer’s latest sources of inspiration for the home.
1、"20世紀60年代,英國的遺產稅逼著許多家族揮淚大甩賣那些鄉間別墅的收藏品,那可是他們花了幾世紀收起來的。我入手了許多我真心喜歡的東西。買下以後我才會去研究它們,買書, 咨詢專家。至今還是用差不多的方式工作.";2、“我壹直沒興趣開店。把物品擺在櫥窗裏就像是拒好友於千裏之外,我喜歡把物品安放在家裏,這樣客戶上門來就可以看到我是如何認識它們的品質的”;3、無論出於什麽原因,只要主顧對從他這裏購買的物品不再感興趣,Vervoordt會以當初的售價回購,或者用別的東西替換//翻到安特卫普的大神Axel Vervoordt,倒吸口氣。
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Axel Vervoordt pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025