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The Elements of User Experience pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
From the moment it was published almost ten years ago, Elements of User Experience became a vital reference for web and interaction designers the world over, and has come to define the core principles of the practice. Now, in this updated, expanded, and full-color new edition, Jesse James Garrett has refined his thinking about the Web, going beyond the desktop to include information that also applies to the sudden proliferation of mobile devices and applications. Successful interaction design requires more than just creating clean code and sharp graphics. You must also fulfill your strategic objectives while meeting the needs of your users. Even the best content and the most sophisticated technology won't help you balance those goals without a cohesive, consistent user experience to support it. With so many issues involved--usability, brand identity, information architecture, interaction design-- creating the user experience can be overwhelmingly complex. This new edition of The Elements of User Experience cuts through that complexity with clear explanations and vivid illustrations that focus on ideas rather than tools or techniques. Garrett gives readers the big picture of user experience development, from strategy and requirements to information architecture and visual design.
Jesse James Garrett 是用户体验咨询公司Adaptive Path的创始人之一。从用户体验要素“在2000年3月初次发布到网上以来,Jesse的所绘制的这个模型已经被下载了2万多次。Jesse的互联网从业经验包括AT&T、Intel、Boeing、Motorola、Hewlett-packard以及和美国国家公众广播等。他在用户体验领域的贡献包括”视觉词典(the Visual Vocabulary)“,一个为规范信息架构文档而建立的开放符号系统,现在这个系统在全球各个企业中得到广泛的应用。他的个人网站 www.jjg.net 是提供信息架构资源的网站中最受欢迎的一个.
评分2019-06-02 done
评分把用户体验分为Strategy Scope Structure Skeleton Surface五个层次,思路非常清楚,因此五星推荐。虽然给了一些技巧但是没有讲特别professional的东西,入门书,产品经理读读也是极好的。作者强调每一个层次是后一个层次的基础。人们往往只关注表面的Skeleton和Surface,而背后的Strategy Scope Structure常常被忽视。Strategy指产品目的和要满足的用户需求,Scope是产品提供哪些features或内容,Structure是产品的信息架构,Skeleton是每个页面上要呈现的元素,Surface是sensory design。
书不错!讲的很多东西还是比较务实的,设计和策划如果没有一定的战略意识在头脑里也是做不好的。 另外:这本书翻译得真叫一个烂! 很多地方根本不清楚作者本意,还有些地方读都读不通顺!!!
评分这就是大名鼎鼎的Ajax之父所写的,目的是为了阐释他的那张有名的“The Elements of User Experience”分层图的。中文版全文168页,售价25元,刚拿到手上,随意翻看一下,熟悉的内容,稀疏的文字,大家都感到不值得再看了。为了更清楚的理解Ga rrett所提出的要素,我就耐着性...
评分这本书在互联网书刊的地位类似于管理类罗宾斯的《管理学原理》,是一本高度总结概括的概念性书籍。通过这本书,我们可以对网站建设有一个全面和清晰的了解,帮助我们梳理出一个完整和清晰的框架,是一本很好的,建立起对一个学科的基本思维的一本好书。 在读这本书之前,我也看...
评分The Elements of User Experience pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025