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On China

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On China epub 下载 mobi 下载 pdf 下载 txt 电子书 下载 2024

On China pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024


In this sweeping and insightful history, Henry Kissinger turns for the first time at book-length to a country he has known intimately for decades, and whose modern relations with the West he helped shape. Drawing on historical records as well as his conversations with Chinese leaders over the past forty years, Kissinger examines how China has approached diplomacy, strategy, and negotiation throughout its history, and reflects on the consequences for the global balance of power in the 21st century.

Since no other country can claim a more powerful link to its ancient past and classical principles, any attempt to understand China's future world role must begin with an appreciation of its long history. For centuries, China rarely encountered other societies of comparable size and sophistication; it was the "Middle Kingdom," treating the peoples on its periphery as vassal states. At the same time, Chinese statesmen-facing threats of invasion from without, and the contests of competing factions within-developed a canon of strategic thought that prized the virtues of subtlety, patience, and indirection over feats of martial prowess.

In On China, Kissinger examines key episodes in Chinese foreign policy from the classical era to the present day, with a particular emphasis on the decades since the rise of Mao Zedong. He illuminates the inner workings of Chinese diplomacy during such pivotal events as the initial encounters between China and modern European powers, the formation and breakdown of the Sino-Soviet alliance, the Korean War, Richard Nixon's historic trip to Beijing, and three crises in the Taiwan Straits. Drawing on his extensive personal experience with four generation of Chinese leaders, he brings to life towering figures such as Mao, Zhou Enlai, and Deng Xiaoping, revealing how their different visions have shaped China's modern destiny.

With his singular vantage on U.S.-China relations, Kissinger traces the evolution of this fraught but crucial relationship over the past 60 years, following its dramatic course from estrangement to strategic partnership to economic interdependence, and toward an uncertain future. With a final chapter on the emerging superpower's 21st-century world role, On China provides an intimate historical perspective on Chinese foreign affairs from one of the premier statesmen of the 20th century.

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Henry Kissinger served as national security advisor and then secretary of state under Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, and has advised many other American presidents on foreign policy. He received the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and the Medal of Liberty, among other awards. He is the author of numerous books and articles on foreign policy and diplomacy and is currently the chairman of Kissinger Associates, Inc., an international consulting firm.


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#地铁阅读系列# 虽然读这本书是为了了解官方历史教科书回避的那些部分,但另一方面这本书也很生动地展现了美国高层决策的思路,有助于对美国政治文化的了解。而基辛格对三代领导人的评述也是引人入胜的,从这本书来看,我觉得蛤蛤的贡献一定程度上被民众低估了,可能大家都在关注他的绯闻吧。




找到一个中文版,貌似乌有之乡还是哪的网友义务翻译的。 也没精排。够乱的。基佬对毛的崇拜,有多少不是“放炮”呢?




#地铁阅读系列# 虽然读这本书是为了了解官方历史教科书回避的那些部分,但另一方面这本书也很生动地展现了美国高层决策的思路,有助于对美国政治文化的了解。而基辛格对三代领导人的评述也是引人入胜的,从这本书来看,我觉得蛤蛤的贡献一定程度上被民众低估了,可能大家都在关注他的绯闻吧。



题目叫《On China》,但真正的内容几乎全部是从外交入手。又因为基辛格博士与中国三代领导人的关系,其本身的经历已足够还原一部中国近代外交史。全书的内容主要包含19世纪末到建国初期的“史料”,以及20世纪70年代以来基辛格博士外交经历的“实录”。全书的几大精彩点包括: ...  


1p 中国的每一次分裂都被视为不正常的暂时现象。而朝廷的每次垮台,都会被重建。华夏文化的精髓历经战祸考验,终得以延续。 6p 中华文明绵延数千年,却从未主动与其他国家或文明打过交道。这样的光荣独立在人类历史上独一无二,酝酿了一种独特的中国自我意识。对外国的排斥和对...  


权力是最好的春药。——基辛格 这是我对这个老头的最深的第一印象。可见美国政治家也是爱说骚话的。尤其是拜读了此书之后,在他开诚布公地批判了美国的普世价值推广理想主义之后,了解他是个高度务实的现实主义者之后,当年的中美世界精英(毛、邓、尼克松,里根,布什等)的全...  


中国的事,有时候外国人看得更明白。 倒不是因为别的什么原因,一是旁观者清,二是身在墙外。 透过老外的眼睛看看自己,不仅能更清楚的了解自己,而且也能知道外面人的视角和思维。 在当下这个时刻,更有价值。 新华社“勿谓言之不预”之后,王老师马上又要访美了。按照新乡时...  



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