图书标签: 哲学 Stoic 成长 stoicism 斯多葛 philosophy 认知训练 英文原版
A Guide to the Good Life pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Reading the book, I had no trouble understanding how negative visualization could be an effective antidote against "hedonic adaptation." By imagining ourselves to be homeless, for instance, we can reset our desire for a more luxurious home and once again appreciate the roof over our head that we started taking for granted shortly after moving in.
Irvine, a professor of philosophy at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio, writes that Stoicism was one of many competing philosophies (such as the Cynics and the Epicureans) that ran schools to teach a "philosophy of life" to students in ancient Greece and Rome. The Stoics were interested in leading a life of "tranquility," meaning a life free of "anger, anxiety, fear, grief, and envy." To achieve such a life the Stoics developed, in the words of historian Paul Veyne, a "paradoxical recipe for happiness," that included the practice of "negative visualization." By frequently and vividly imagining worst-case scenarios -- the death of a child, financial catastrophe, ruined health -- the Stoics believed you would learn to appreciate what you have, and curb your insatiable appetite for more material goods, social status, and other objects of desire.
评分MMM推荐书单。喜欢作者行文模式,还算逻辑严谨主题明确。这套Stoic哲学非常适合现在日常习练。然而不能同意有philosophy of life就比没philosophy of life强这点。尽信书不如无书同一个道理。
评分MMM推荐书单。喜欢作者行文模式,还算逻辑严谨主题明确。这套Stoic哲学非常适合现在日常习练。然而不能同意有philosophy of life就比没philosophy of life强这点。尽信书不如无书同一个道理。
一 人生哲学 威廉·欧文说,人,活着要有一套人生哲学,一套完整、连贯的人生哲学。否则呢?他说,你可能会浪费你仅有的一次生命。 欧文的这个说法中涉及两个问题。 其一,我们的人生是否需要一种哲学?我赞成欧文的说法。我认识的狗和猫,没有一只曾思考过自己狗生和猫生的意...
评分美国电影《模范家庭》讲述了这样一个故事。 在美国平凡的小镇上,人们过着平静而富裕的生活,直至琼斯一家的到来,打破了小镇的宁静。他们一家四口,丈夫英俊潇洒,妻子性感妩媚,一双儿女漂亮可爱。他们拥有小镇人梦想的家具,渴望的衣饰,令人羡慕的最新潮的电子设备与奢侈品...
评分说来惭愧,在写书评之前我还在跟人争吵一个话题,对于抱持异见态度的我,生命安宁或许永远只是一种想象。当然,想象或许是彼端发生的源泉之一。 对于斯多葛哲学,由于众所周知的原因火起来的《沉思录》无疑是一个最好的诠释。让我感兴趣的,或许是前面关于诸多学说的介绍,感觉...
评分1 说起哲学,你会想到什么? 高深的道理?复杂的演绎?严谨的逻辑?以及,与现实生活距离遥远? 其实,在2000多年前苏格拉底的时代,哲学曾与生活有过很深的交集。用梁文道在《我读》里的话说: 在希腊、罗马时期,哲学不止是一套系统的学问,更重要的是它会作为一种精神上的指...
评分本书除了梳理了斯多葛学派的发展和主要人物以外,还煎蛋阐述了斯多葛学派的主要思想,以及如何实践。对于各方对斯多葛提出的疑问和反对,也一一进行了回应。书的后部分是对践行斯多葛哲学的“指导手册”,告诉读者在现代怎样理解并借助古代先哲的智慧来获取幸福的生活。 古罗马...
A Guide to the Good Life pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025