图书标签: fiction 美國 robotics american 科幻 牛品 小说 小説
The Bicentennial Man pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
"The Bicentennial Man" won the 1977 Hugo Award for Best Novelette
Other novelettes shortlisted for Hugo: "The Diary of the Rose", Ursula K. Le Guin; "Gotta Sing, Gotta Dance", John Varley; and "The Phantom of Kansas", John Varley
Other winners of 1977 Hugos: Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang(novel) by Kate Wilhelm; "By Any Other Name" by Spider Robinson and "Houston, Houston, Do You Read?" by James Tiptree, Jr. (novellas, joint winners); Tricentennial (short story) by Joe Haldeman.
"The Bicentennial Man" won the 1976 Nebula Award for Best Novelette
Other novelettes on Nebula Final Ballot: "In the Bowl" by John Varley; "Custer's Last Jump" by Howard Waldrop and Steven Utley; "His Hour Upon the Stage" by Grant Carrington; "The Diary of the Rose" by Ursula K. Le Guin
Other winners of 1976 Nebulas: Man Plus(novel) by Frederik Pohl; "Houston, Houston, Do You Read?"(novella) by James Tiptree, Jr.; "A Crowd of Shadows" (short story) by Charles L. Grant.
Other awards
won 1977 Locus Award for Novelette
艾萨克·阿西莫夫,当代美国最著名的科幻大师、世界顶尖级科幻小说作家、,他也是位文学评论家,美国科幻小说黄金时代的代表人物之一。他一生高产,著述颇丰,一生著述近500本,其中有100多部科幻小说,早已远远超过了“著作等身”的地步。是本世纪最顶尖的科幻小说家之一。曾获代表科幻界最高荣誉的雨果奖和星云终身成就「大师奖」。以他的名字为号召的「阿西莫夫科幻杂志」,是美国当今数一数二的科幻文学重镇。他是一位生于俄罗斯的美籍犹太人。作品极其丰富,代表作有《我,机器人》(I,Robot) 、《基地》系列、《钢窟》(The Caves of Steel) 系列、《赤裸太阳》(The Naked Sun) 等。他他于1941年发表的作品《Runaround》中第一次明确提出了著名的“阿西莫夫机器人三定律”。以其名字命名的《阿西莫夫科幻小说》杂志,至今仍然是美国当今数一数二的科幻文学畅销杂志。
评分半天看完的简单易懂又激动人心的SCI-FI读物,超喜欢以ANDREW角度叙述的行文方式,尤其是一点点单纯懵懂的感觉变成强烈呼喊的愿望的感觉“Man! He was a man!”跟电影版比起来情节简单不少,也没那么多人机恋爱描写,反而因此更加纯粹更加贴近主题,“Today we declare you The Bicentennial Man, Mr. Martin”那句话出现的时候鼻子就酸得要死了没想到阿西莫夫君还在最后埋了最深的一只催泪炸弹:Little Miss, he whispered, too low to be heard.呜呜呜呜呜呜呜……
评分半天看完的简单易懂又激动人心的SCI-FI读物,超喜欢以ANDREW角度叙述的行文方式,尤其是一点点单纯懵懂的感觉变成强烈呼喊的愿望的感觉“Man! He was a man!”跟电影版比起来情节简单不少,也没那么多人机恋爱描写,反而因此更加纯粹更加贴近主题,“Today we declare you The Bicentennial Man, Mr. Martin”那句话出现的时候鼻子就酸得要死了没想到阿西莫夫君还在最后埋了最深的一只催泪炸弹:Little Miss, he whispered, too low to be heard.呜呜呜呜呜呜呜……
The Bicentennial Man pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025