圖書標籤: 小說 英文原版 美國 LGBT 長篇小說 當代歐美文學 OceanVuong 越南
On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous is a letter from a son to a mother who cannot read. Written when the speaker, Little Dog, is in his late twenties, the letter unearths a family’s history that began before he was born — a history whose epicenter is rooted in Vietnam — and serves as a doorway into parts of his life his mother has never known, all of it leading to an unforgettable revelation. At once a witness to the fraught yet undeniable love between a single mother and her son, it is also a brutally honest exploration of race, class, and masculinity. Asking questions central to our American moment, immersed as we are in addiction, violence, and trauma, but undergirded by compassion and tenderness, On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous is as much about the power of telling one’s own story as it is about the obliterating silence of not being heard.
評分作者真的太知道自己和自己所處的文化圈子要什麼、要讀(寫)什麼瞭。就主題來說,身份政治那一套書寫【種族的、性彆(嚮)的、曆史文化的......】憑什麼天然深刻高級?西貢少年的成長睏惑顧影自憐(阮海洋)和第一世界白人青少年的乏善可陳(薩莉·魯尼)有什麼本質區彆?就風格來說,像是北美郭敬明、寫小說的蹩腳frank ocean和Tori Amos的基佬粉同人文。
評分讀不下去。too sentimental。Andras Schiff在Royal College of Music的一堂Master class上講到舒伯特即興麯時說道:always (play with) sentiments, but never sentimental. James Baldwin looked through and beyond his pain, as a black man, as a gay man, as a foreigner. But this writer can't seem to think beyond his pain. It's a dump of inflictions, offering no catharsis.
評分這本書給我看哭瞭好幾次。個人2019年最美小說瞭。 作者是詩人。越南人,在美國。 以給媽媽寫信的形式寫的小說?迴憶錄? 兒童時期被人打得鼻青臉腫 用鑷子給奶奶夾白發 媽媽去店裏買牛尾不會英語,扮演牛的樣子轉圈,指指自己屁股。羞恥感讓作者下定決心要學會英語! 還有媽媽的巴掌打在臉上 奶奶的逃離 蝴蝶的遷徙,猴子的記憶,越南戰爭,美國隔閡,融閤得天衣無縫。 讓人心碎????而又美麗
不知道大家知不知道 这种以书信形式写的小说叫epistolary novel 可以epistolary各种 比如Cheryl Strayed的“Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar”是epistolary essay 分享好了拜拜
評分不知道大家知不知道 这种以书信形式写的小说叫epistolary novel 可以epistolary各种 比如Cheryl Strayed的“Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar”是epistolary essay 分享好了拜拜
評分不知道大家知不知道 这种以书信形式写的小说叫epistolary novel 可以epistolary各种 比如Cheryl Strayed的“Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar”是epistolary essay 分享好了拜拜
評分不知道大家知不知道 这种以书信形式写的小说叫epistolary novel 可以epistolary各种 比如Cheryl Strayed的“Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar”是epistolary essay 分享好了拜拜
評分不知道大家知不知道 这种以书信形式写的小说叫epistolary novel 可以epistolary各种 比如Cheryl Strayed的“Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar”是epistolary essay 分享好了拜拜
On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025