图书标签: 法国 André_Gorz 法国文学 法语 français @法文书 随笔 爱情
Lettre à D pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Présentation de l'éditeur
" Tu vas avoir quatre-vingt-deux ans. Tu as rapetissé de six centimètres, tu ne pèses que quarante-cinq kilos et tu es toujours belle, gracieuse et désirable. Cela fait cinquante-huit ans que nous vivons ensemble et je t'aime plus que jamais. Je porte de nouveau au creux de ma poitrine un vide dévorant que seule comble la chaleur de ton corps contre le mien. " L'auteur du Traître revient avec cinquante ans de recul sur les années décisives de son histoire. Il restait beaucoup à dire. Car ce n'était pas la sienne seulement.
André Gorz (February 1923 – September 22, 2007), born as Gerhard Hirsch and also known by his pen name Michel Bosquet was an Austrian and French social philosopher. Also a journalist, he co-founded in 1964 Le Nouvel Observateur weekly. A supporter of Jean-Paul Sartre's existentialist version of Marxism after the War, he broke with him after May '68 and became more concerned with political ecology, becoming one of its leading theorists. His central theme was work: liberation from work, just distribution of work, alienated work, etc. He was also one of the advocates of a Guaranteed basic income [1].He was a leading left thinker of his time and Sartre once claimed that Gorz had the "sharpest brain in Europe".
His wife was condemned to death by a tragic illness. They already said they did not want to survive the other's death. Thus, Gorz chose to commit suicide with his wife in his home in Vosnon (Aube). They were found dead on the 24th of September 2007, after a lethal injection.
His book Lettre à D. Histoire d'un amour (Galilée, 2006) was dedicated to his wife, and was in fact for him the means to tell the love he had for her.
评分很短的一本小说, 很长的一封情书,一看开头我就有些泛泪光,结局略显啰嗦。
评分le premier livre en francais
评分在洗澡之前等水烧好的空隙读完的,也许是阅历太少,读的时候基本没有产生共鸣或者受到震撼。读之前想着探索男人对待爱情和女人角度的不同,但这本书通篇碎碎念,基本把他们这些年的经历复述了一遍,并没有找到我想看的,或深情,或热烈的东西。在书中他的妻子也不过是一道浅浅的影子,或许是视野的差异吧。 真正震撼到我的是读完之后,看到背面的封面上说,高玆在写完这封信后和妻子选择自杀,那么他会是怀着怎样的心情写下每个字呢?这封信是他们爱情的绝唱亦或挽歌,这让人感到无端的荒凉,这爱情又在某种程度上达到地久天长。
小书很小,一份情书能有多长呢。作者序也写得很长,讨论了爱情信仰问题。我们到底是否应该相信爱情。忙碌的现代社会,膨胀的物质生活,我们是否有时间去理解爱情。 花了两个小段时间读完,语言朴实,可感情动人。朴实的语言朴实的感情。 很快你就82岁了,身高缩短了6厘米,体...
评分 评分“很快你就八十二岁了。身高缩短了六厘米,体重只有四十五公斤。但是你一如既往的美丽、幽雅、令我心动。我们已经在一起度过了五十八个年头,而我对你的爱愈发浓烈。我的胸口又有了这恼人的空茫,只有你灼热的身体依偎在我怀里时,它才能被填满。” 如此深情款款的告白,来自《...
评分小书很小,一份情书能有多长呢。作者序也写得很长,讨论了爱情信仰问题。我们到底是否应该相信爱情。忙碌的现代社会,膨胀的物质生活,我们是否有时间去理解爱情。 花了两个小段时间读完,语言朴实,可感情动人。朴实的语言朴实的感情。 很快你就82岁了,身高缩短了6厘米,体...
Lettre à D pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025