图书标签: 政治 国际关系 预言 Future 未来 GeorgeFriedman 社会 文化
The Next 100 Years pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Amazon.com Review
Amazon Best of the Month, January 2009: "Be Practical, Expect the Impossible." So declares George Friedman, chief intelligence officer and founder of Strategic Forecasting, Inc. (Stratfor), a private intelligence agency whose clients include foreign government agencies and Fortune 500 companies. Gathering information from its global network of operatives and analysts (drawing the nickname "the Shadow CIA"), Stratfor produces thoughtful and genuinely engrossing analysis of international events daily, from possible outcomes of the latest Pakistan/India tensions to the hierarchy of Mexican drug cartels to challenges to Obama's nascent administration. In The Next 100 Years, Friedman undertakes the impossible (or improbable) challenge of forecasting world events through the 21st century. Starting with the premises that "conventional political analysis suffers from a profound failure of imagination" and "common sense will be wrong," Friedman maps what he sees as the likeliest developments of the future, some intuitive, some surprising: more (but less catastrophic) wars; Russia's re-emergence as an aggressive hegemonic power; China's diminished influence in international affairs due to traditional social and economic imbalances; and the dawn of an American "Golden Age" in the second half of the century. Friedman is well aware that much of what he predicts will be wrong--unforeseeable events are, of course, unforeseen--but through his interpretation of geopolitics, one gets the sense that Friedman's guess is better than most. --Jon Foro
"With a unique combination of cold-eyed realism and boldly confident fortune-telling, Friedman (America s Secret War) offers a global tour of war and peace in the upcoming century. The author asserts that the United States power is so extraordinarily overwhelming that it will dominate the coming century, brushing aside Islamic terrorist threats now, overcoming a resurgent Russia in the 2010s and 20s and eventually gaining influence over space-based missile systems that Friedman names battle stars. Friedman is the founder of Stratfor, an independent geopolitical forecasting company, and his authoritative-sounding predictions are based on such factors as natural resources and population cycles. While these concrete measures lend his short-term forecasts credence, the later years of Friedman s 100-year cycle will provoke some serious eyebrow raising. The armed border clashes between Mexico and the United States in the 2080s seem relatively plausible, but the space war pitting Japan and Turkey against the United States and allies, prognosticated to begin precisely on Thanksgiving Day 2050, reads as fantastic (and terrifying) science fiction. Whether all of the visions in Friedman s crystal ball actually materialize, they certainly make for engrossing entertainment." --Publishers Weekly
This is a book about unintended consequences and how the constraints of time and place impact the behavior of individuals and nations and offer a view of future events. [Friedman s] theories are fascinating....This is an excellent book.
Futurologist Friedman entertainingly explains how America will bestride the world during this century. Prophecy, whether by astrologers, science-fiction writers or geopoliticians, has a dismal track record, but readers will enjoy this steady stream of clever historical analogies, economic analyses and startling demographic data.
There is a temptation, when you are around George Friedman, to treat him like a Magic 8-Ball.
New York Times Magazine
Barron s consistently has found Stratfor s insights informative and largely on the money as has the company s large client base, which ranges from corporations to media outlets and government agencies.
Barron s
One of the country s leading strategic affairs experts.
Lou Dobbs --.
[A] unique combination of cold-eyed realism and boldly confident fortune-telling....Whether all of the visions in Friedman s crystal ball actually materialize, they certainly make for engrossing entertainment. --Publishers Weekly --This text refers to the Audio Cassette edition.
这本书对中国问题的分析我觉得很到位的。 这本书不是一本严格意义上的预言书。 我认为作者不过是就一些可能的演变做了演算。 他对人类历史的演变从大的角度着手, 从人性中亘古不变的东西着手, 还是比较有说服力的。 不要把他的演算作为必然来看就可以了。 另外书的最后1/3我...
评分 评分世界上叫弗里德曼的人很多,屈指数来,至少有五位“弗里德曼”可以名列世界级的大腕。 第一位,威廉·F·弗里德曼,公认的“世界上最伟大的密码专家”;第二位,莫里斯·弗里德曼,英国著名的人类学家;第三位,米尔顿·弗里德曼,诺贝尔经济学奖获得者;第四位,托...
评分這本書算是博客來網路書店上強力推銷的書籍 主要目的,書名已經寫得很清楚,就是預測未來一百年之間的世界會是怎麼個面貌 本書作者喬治‧佛烈德曼,曾任職於蘭德基金會、美國陸軍戰爭學院、國防大學,是著名的未來學及國際衝突專家,於1996年成立智庫『戰略預測』(STRATFO...
The Next 100 Years pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025