圖書標籤: 社會心理學 阿倫森 第9版 心理學 英文原版 社會學 9th 2015
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Elliot Aronson is Professor Emeritus at the University of California at Santa Cruz and one of the most renowned social psychologists in the world. In 2002, he was chosen as one of the 100 most eminent psychologists of the twentieth century. Dr. Aronson is the only person in the 120-year history of the American Psychological Association to have received all three of its major awards: for distinguished writing, distinguished teaching, and distinguished research. Many other professional societies have honored his research and teaching as well. These include the American Association for the Advancement of Science, which gave him its highest honor, the Distinguished Scientific Research award; the American Council for the Advancement and Support of Education, which named him Professor of the Year of 1989; the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues, which awarded him the Gordon Allport prize for his contributions to the reduction of prejudice among racial and ethnic groups; and the William James Award from the Association for Psychological Science. In 1992, he was named a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. A collection of papers and tributes by his former students and colleagues, The Scientist and the Humanist, celebrates his contributions to social psychological theory and its application to real-world problems. Dr. Aronson’s own recent books for general audiences include Mistakes Were Made (but not by ME), with Carol Tavris, and a memoir, Not by Chance Alone: My Life as a Social Psychologist.
Tim Wilson did his undergraduate work at Williams College and Hampshire College and received his PhD from the University of Michigan. Currently Sherrell J. Aston Professor of Psychology at the University of Virginia, he has published numerous articles in the areas of introspection, attitude change, self-knowledge, and affective forecasting, as well as a recent book, Redirect: The Surprising New Science of Psychological Change. His research has received the support of the National Science Foundation and the National Institute for Mental Health. He has been elected twice to the Executive Board of the Society for Experimental Social Psychology and is a Fellow in the American Psychological Society and the Society for Personality and Social Psychology. In 2009, he was named a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. In 2015 he received the William James Fellows Award from the Association for Psychological Science. Wilson has taught the Introduction to Social Psychology course at the University of Virginia for more than 30 years. In 2001 he was awarded the University of Virginia All-University Outstanding Teaching Award, and in 2010 was awarded the University of Virginia Distinguished Scientist Award.
Robin Akert graduated summa cum laude from the University of California at Santa Cruz, where she majored in psychology and sociology. She received her PhD in experimental social psychology from Princeton University. She is currently a Professor of Psychology at Wellesley College, where she was awarded the Pinanski Prize for Excellence in Teaching early in her career. She publishes primarily in the area of nonverbal communication, and recently received the AAUW American Fellowship in support of her research. She has taught the social psychology course at Wellesley College for nearly 30 years.
Sam Sommers earned his B.A. from Williams College and his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. Since 2003 he has been a faculty member in the Department of Psychology at Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts. His research examines issues related to stereotyping, prejudice, and group diversity, with a particular interest in how these processes play out in the legal domain. He has won multiple teaching awards at Tufts, including the Lerman-Neubauer Prize for Outstanding Teaching and Advising and the Gerald R. Gill Professor of the Year Award. He was also inducted into the Tufts Hall of Diversity for his efforts to promote an inclusive climate on campus for all students. He has testified as an expert witness on issues related to racial bias, jury decision-making, and eyewitness memory in criminal trial proceedings in seven states. His first general audience book on social psychology was published in 2011, titled Situations Matter: Understanding How Context Transforms Your World. His next book, titled Your Brain on Sports, is co-authored with L. Jon Wertheim of Sports Illustrated and will be published in early 2016.
【標一波教材】新版除瞭圖片更新瞭還是絮絮叨叨的老樣子 考試看看summary就妥妥的 The Self那一章有點意思
其实我是很想力推这本书的,但是每次想到我的痛苦- 一些句子,如果不反复读出声来,只凭我们的中文功底居然是理解不了的。我看翻译人员有先把中文译英文,再把英文译成中文之嫌。呵呵,有点刻薄了,当然不是每句都这么费劲,要有耐心。 内容非常好,条理清晰,图文并茂。心里...
評分这是我阅读的第一本关于社会心理学的书。让我更能理解自己和社会现象。印象最深的是认知失调理论。而这一切的出发点就是个体保持良好自我印象,自尊的需要。 社会心理学更多将人至于社会情境中。在认识自我的基础上,探讨社会影响对人心理的左右过程。 自我是什么?人如何认识...
評分我买的是第五版。社会心理学的权威及集大成之作。花了大半个月,终于读完了,超级有成就感。按照国际惯例:感谢党,感谢国家!感谢CCAV!感谢BTV! 本书的易读在于:1、每章均以某案例为引子,结尾再分析案例,非常有针对性。2、文中穿插大量的实验和事例辅助解释,很容易理解...
評分内容值得永远珍藏,语言流畅,阐述深刻,提示评注等都非常贴心。 可惜翻译质量不太好(中文第二版相对第一版并没有明显的改善),给人糟蹋好书的感觉。
評分我是先看过《社会性动物》,惊叹不已,对人和社会这个层面的心理学知识产生了巨大的兴趣。后来加心理学小组,要求写加入小组的理由,我二话不说写了句寻找现象的本质,又被要求写读过的心理学书籍,我就是写了这两本。因为确实是这两本书改变了我对心理学的认知。 刚进...
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