图书标签: 英译本 浮生六记 古典文学 沈复 英语 Penguin 经典 筆記隨筆文集
Six Records of a Floating Life pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Six Records of a Floating Life (1809) is an extraordinary blend of autobiography, love story and social document written by a man who was educated as a scholar but earned his living as a civil servant and art dealer. In this intimate memoir, Shen Fu recounts the domestic and romantic joys of his marriage to Yun, the beautiful and artistic girl he fell in love with as a child. He also describes other incidents of his life, including how his beloved wife obtained a courtesan for him and reflects on his travels through China. Shen Fu's exquisite memoir shows six parallel layers' of one man's life, loves and career, with revealing glimpses into Chinese society of the Ch'ing Dynasty.
A life loving and beloved. 我看的时候因为他们之间的小事情哭了很多次,太真实了,太生活了,太像人间了。第一章The Joy of Wedding Chamber的喜悦里就有悲伤的伏线,观看他们的生活,我时刻担心着。明暗相对、悲喜交织的叙述里,看到结尾时觉得痛苦又释然,某种意义上这也是很满足很好的生活啦——谢谢你给我们机会让我们有机会跟你一起思念她。
评分秋侵人影瘦,霜染菊花肥。 Touched by autumn, one’s figure grows slender, Soaked in frost, the chrysanthemum blooms full. 兽云吞落日,弓月弹流星。 Beast-clouds swallow the sinking sun, And the bow-moon shoots the falling stars. 触我春愁偏婉转,撩他离绪更缠绵。 They softly touch the spring sorrow in my bosom, And gently stir the longings in her heart.
评分秋侵人影瘦,霜染菊花肥。 Touched by autumn, one’s figure grows slender, Soaked in frost, the chrysanthemum blooms full. 兽云吞落日,弓月弹流星。 Beast-clouds swallow the sinking sun, And the bow-moon shoots the falling stars. 触我春愁偏婉转,撩他离绪更缠绵。 They softly touch the spring sorrow in my bosom, And gently stir the longings in her heart.
一. 袁宏道在《孤山小记》中说: “孤山处士,妻梅子鹤,是世间第一种便宜人。我辈只为有了妻子,便惹许多闲事,撇之不得,傍之可厌,如衣败絮行荆棘中,步步牵挂。” 自然,这只是“山人”说的“便宜”话。“世间”真愿意“花无人戴,酒无人劝,醉也无人管...
评分 评分我还不到十岁的时候,有一天晚饭时,邻居阿姆抱着大哭的男孩来找我妈,说要借我们家的鸭子用一下。她们神秘兮兮地去了我家猪圈。好奇的我夹了点菜端着饭碗尾随了过去。昏黄的灯光下,邻居阿姆抱着小孩,我妈一手抓住鸭的双翅,一手扶住头颈部位。邻居阿姆安抚男孩“不要哭,不...
评分学校里有一本《浮生六记》是和《秋灯索忆》收在一起的。保存本库暗且幽长,惯来是无人的。有时候去了,连门上的锁都未下,还需自己扭了进去。那书簌簌的收在架上,薄又破软,只是字体颇大,看起来还清爽。 你看《秋灯索忆》,简直有点诧异。蒋坦一生都没什么作为,到头来不过...
评分我习惯把爱看的书不厌其烦地从家里运到学校,再从学校背回家。 其实家里也有可以阅读的书,学校也有。 可就是喜欢这样背来背去。好似蜗牛一般。生怕想看的时候,手边恰好没有这一本书。 从昨晚临睡开始阅读沈复的《浮生六记》。 今天值班时偷暇将《闺中记乐》读完。 只觉得...
Six Records of a Floating Life pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025