圖書標籤: 傳記 自傳 LanceArmstrong 勵誌 英文 癌癥 體育 自行車
It's Not About the Bike pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024
The #1 New York Times bestseller with legs as strong as its author's.
Lance Armstrong is one of the most talked about- and inspirational-sports figures of all time. He was Sports Illustrated 's 2002 Sportsman of the Year-and now, after his record-shattering string of Tour de France victories, some are proclaiming him the greatest athlete of all time.
This is the book in which he shares his journey through triumph, tragedy, transformation, and transcendence. It is the story of a world-famous cyclist and his fight against cancer.
路旦俊,本書譯者,男,1963年齣生子江蘇丹陽,1978年入長沙鐵道學院,1985年赴美留學,現為中南大學副教授。主要譯著有 《北行漫記》、《天堂的淪陷》、《水孩子》等。所翻譯的《全國音樂院係教學總譜係列》曾獲全國最佳引進圖書奬。
評分2013/12/03 阿姆斯特朗的這本自傳裏關於他如何沒有使用禁藥的部分,如今讀起來尤其諷刺。但是這隻是這部書的一小部分,更多的他談的是癌癥,癌癥如何改變瞭他對人生的看法。不僅提供瞭很多值得思考的問題,亦有不少真知灼見的感悟。撇開連續七屆環法冠軍和最近終於徹底揭露的禁藥醜聞,至少在兩韆年的這個時刻,阿姆斯特朗是一個榜樣,是一種希望,感動和鼓舞瞭無數人。
花了一天的时间,看完了这本书。一个真实的奇迹,一个感人的故事。 如果真的有人克服癌症,你能不能克服自己的伤痛?如果他患的是睾丸癌,手术之后,被女友同事嘲笑是半个男人的时候,还有什么屈辱和人身攻击不可忍受? 癌症后复出,他也曾放弃过,作为癌症幸存者,他拿到了国...
評分it's my best friend's sport hero. and this book indeed is not about the bike. after i read it, he became my hero as well. it's just a shame that there isn't a chinese version available since it could have benefited so many struggling people who is suffering...
評分这本书我看过,而且买了很多送人。当时正处在身体、事业的低潮和感情的低潮期。 这本书让我非常喜爱,不仅仅我喜欢自行车,还因为这讲述了一个非常真实的英雄。一个平凡的英雄。 阿壮怕过,得癌症的过程中他怕过,他怕失去生命,他怕失败,他不是一开始就是大无畏的,不是一个...
評分it's my best friend's sport hero. and this book indeed is not about the bike. after i read it, he became my hero as well. it's just a shame that there isn't a chinese version available since it could have benefited so many struggling people who is suffering...
評分对于很多热爱自行车运动的人来说,兰斯.阿姆斯特朗(http://www.lancearmstrong.com/)未必是他们心目中的英雄。他是我心目中的英雄,绝对的英雄,也许他确实不如Eddy Mercks彪悍。不过,他是能够给更多人带来最多帮助的自行车运动员。 断断续续看了今年的环法,康...
It's Not About the Bike pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2024