圖書標籤: PaulAuster 英文 Paul_Auster 英文原版 小說 post-modernism literature fiction
City of Glass pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
A mystery writer assumes a detective's identity and embarks on a bizzare case: he must protect a man from his criminally insane father, and as he follows the elusive criminal, he embarks on a mission that takes him to the depths of his own soul. Auster's In the Country of Last Things is being published this month by Viking.
freakin creative way of allusion to don quixote but confusing at times
評分讀完這本書我都懷疑這是不是小說,因為它與之前讀過的小說都很不同。它有故事,但是故事又不是重點。唯一的解釋就是這是後現代主義的小說,作者Paul Auster 將寫作本身作為這本書一個subject。簡直就是通過故事在講述作者與其作品的關係。我還不是很懂,甚至不明白這本書為什麼叫City of Glass. 因為玻璃脆弱又透明?就像一個人的生活,或者往大瞭說現代生活?因為作者寫作就像建造一座玻璃之城,需要格外小心?作品不是石頭城堡讓作者隱藏自己,而是一座玻璃之城,作者也身居其中?Anyway, I still need some time to think it over.
評分freakin creative way of allusion to don quixote but confusing at times
評分talented. 好的開頭,循序漸進,嘗試著一直不查字典,在一個時段裏有種stuck之感,關鍵詞也不甚認識,有點難連接前後;最終因為太好奇而繼續,後來又順暢多瞭。書很神奇,寫得真好,surely my thoughts will remain with the book for a period of time.
評分雖然可讀性很強,但讀的太斷續瞭...語言給我各種恍惚感,像在做夢一樣。與此同時在薩拉熱窩的旅行也是,讀著在大屠殺中遇難者的故事,看著建築上依然留著被炸毀的斑駁痕跡,腦海中拼湊著90s的波黑,城市,廢墟,被掩埋的人。 (離題瞭,希望讀Ghosts能再認真一丟丟
City of Glass pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025