圖書標籤: 思維 mind 創新 innovation 英文原版 New 心理學 認知科學
A Whole New Mind pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Lawyers. Accountants. Radiologists. Software engineers. That's what our parents encouraged us to become when we grew up. But Mom and Dad were wrong. The future belongs to a very different kind of person with a very different kind of mind. The era of "left brain" dominance, and the Information Age that it engendered, are giving way to a new world in which "right brain" qualities-inventiveness, empathy, meaning-predominate. That's the argument at the center of this provocative and original book, which uses the two sides of our brains as a metaphor for understanding the contours of our times.
In the tradition of Emotional Intelligence and Now, Discover Your Strengths , Daniel H. Pink offers a fresh look at what it takes to excel. A Whole New Mind reveals the six essential aptitudes on which professional success and personal fulfillment now depend, and includes a series of hands-on exercises culled from experts around the world to help readers sharpen the necessary abilities. This book will change not only how we see the world but how we experience it as well.
[美] 丹尼爾•平剋(Daniel H. Pink)
曾任美國前副總統阿爾•戈爾的首席演講撰稿人,美國前勞工部部長羅伯特• 賴剋的得力助手。
評分時代趨勢,六項新的重點能力: Design, Sympathy, Story, Empathy, Play, Meaning/Spiriuality
評分Veryimpressive. It also talks something about storytelling. Storytelling doesn't replace analytical thinkingButsupplements it make it easier
評分#新年第四本,大大落後計劃...# audible上第一本完成的有聲書,感覺這種暢銷書調調非常適閤路上聽,不會花費太多時間,又能把大框架抓個八九不離十。design, story, empathy, symphony, game and meaning. 新右腦時代的六大特質對於育兒也很有啓發。書中還有進一步提高這六大能力的工具箱,挺實用的。
評分一開始覺得mind-blowing,覺得終於有人認同人文的價值瞭,難能可貴!不過過瞭第三章到瞭Part Two的時候就是不斷的同義反復瞭
《全新思维》丹尼尔•平克 每个人会获益的一本书! 《全新思维》强调的是最近比较火的“右脑”,最近右脑、全脑的话题真的很多,不过经典的不是很多,但这本还真的不错。这本书是在我看来为数不多的思想上有些新东西的一本,作者强调了“六大感知:设计感(Design),故事感...
評分 評分 評分当然,吃什么也补不了右脑。左撇子的右脑更发达这也可能是事实,但是平克的书再怎么流行,恐怕也没人愿意半身不遂。 平克所强调的“右脑主导式思维”到了书的第二部分,就变成了 “六个感觉”(Six senses):设计(design)、故事(story)、协同(symphony)、移情(empathy)...
A Whole New Mind pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025