圖書標籤: 曆史 Thucydides Hobbes 戰爭 古希臘 政治哲學 西方文學 文化/曆史/考古/地理/新經管/政法
The Peloponnesian War pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
The Peloponnesian War (431-404 B.C.E.) was the greatest "disturbance" in Greek history to that time. The bitter rivalry between the two chief city-states, Athens and Sparta, and their respective allies ended with the ruin of Athens' naval hegemony and what the Greek historian Thucydides (ca. 460-400 B.C.E.) called a "convulsion" affecting all humankind. With the detachment of a clinician and the dramatic skill of a poet, Thucydides recreates the often savage events of the war and brings to life its chief protagonists: Pericles, Nicias, Cleon, Alcibiades, and others. The first of the "scientific" historians, Thucydides makes use of documentary material and relies on eyewitness accounts; even where direct documentary evidence is lacking, his keen understanding of human nature helps him to uncover the truth of what actually happened. The loftiness of its ideals, its painstaking research, and its beauty of expression have made the History of the Peloponnesian War a work that is in the author's own words, "a possession for all time."
Grene 編輯的 Hobbes 英譯是上選。他注意到原譯刪改或不佳處並加附注,還有霍布斯另外編寫的修昔底德生平等極富價值,有助於當代讀者理解歷史評價的變遷…
評分(原载2012年4月号《文景》) 公元前431年,希腊世界爆发了一场规模空前的战争。战争在两大军事同盟之间展开,一边是以雅典为首的提洛同盟,另一边是以斯巴达为首的伯罗奔尼撒同盟。这两大军事同盟的历史至少要追溯到约半个世纪以前乃至更早。伯罗奔尼撒同盟是斯巴达在伯罗奔...
評分又懒得开电脑写公众号了(常年如此),在这里整理一下第一天读修昔底德《伯罗奔尼撒战争史》的读书笔记。作为两千多年前的历史学家,修昔底德的记录、见识和方法在今天仍有强大的生命力。而“修昔底德陷阱”这个词今年因全球局势动态再度流行就是一个例证。 以下即使带引号的也...
評分十多年前译者在接到翻译西方学术名著《伯罗奔尼撒战争史》的任务时,心里确实有些忐忑不安,今天的心情依然如此。古希腊文明博大精深,对于西方乃至全人类文明贡献巨大,影响深远。我们自知学力不济,难以胜任。自己对于希腊的历史和文化,充其量只能算是个初学者。虽然近30 年...
評分看到第七卷。西西里远征。倾尽整个帝国力量的远征军全军覆灭。 撤退的时候,描写跟着军队被撤走的士兵看到被遗弃的活人,“全军上下泪水涟涟”。我不禁也是泫然欲泣了。——看历史的时候,我总是难以像平常那样产生共情的,毕竟两千多年前的事件,如果没有修昔底德或者其他史家...
The Peloponnesian War pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025