图书标签: 戏剧 英文原版 drama SamuelBeckett 哲学 Play 外国文学 剧本
Waiting for Godot pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Samuel Beckett, one of the great avant-garde Irish dramatists and writers of the second half of the 20th century, was born on 13 April 1906. He died in 1989. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1969. His centenary will be celebrated throughout 2006 with performances of his major plays, but the most popular of them all will be, without doubt, the play with which he first made his name, Waiting for Godot. It opened the gates to the theatre of the absurd as four men appear on the stage, apparently with purpose but (perhaps) waiting for someone called Godot. It is stark, funny, bemusing and still deeply affecting half a century since its first production. In this new recording for audiobook, John Tydeman, for many years head of BBC Radio Drama, takes a fresh look at one of the milestones in Western drama. It follows the highly acclaimed recordings of Beckett's Trilogy, Molloy, Malone Dies and The Unnamable published by Naxos AudioBooks. See also Krapp's Last Tape and Not I, also released for the centenary.
萨缪尔·贝克特(Samuel Beckett, 1906-1989)是先用英语后用法语写作的爱尔兰作家,也是法国荒诞派剧作家的主要代表之一。他获1969年诺贝尔文学奖。
unbearable waiting to read Beckett, unbearable reading to wait for Godot
评分满本的Gogo和Didi让我偶尔又读脱轨了 =.= 好多句子写得真好 想得少怕无法窥其深意 想得深又怕过度解读 Lucky那三页的独白真是有摧枯拉朽之势 期待一下现场 We are all born mad. Some remain so.
评分“The tears of the world are a constant quantity” — Pozzo “Nothing happens, nobody comes, nobody goes, it's awful!” — Estragon “How time flies when one has fun!” — Vladimir
小说是如何切入人的?就一个故事而言,它呈现的不是全体的人,不是人的全体,而是人的切面(至于最后出来的效果是否具有普遍性,那是另一回事)。甚至,是人体内的一个小黑点,一块组织,一个细胞,一个疼痛的针尖。 故事就是从这个小黑点生长起来的。或者说,故事只能从这样一...
评分戏剧通常只有在被理解的基础上才能体现作品本身的活力。这种理解往往表现为使理解者的情绪激动、紧张,或者产生同感并提高为对自身生活的反思,从而达到使理解者暂时脱离自身禁锢的效果。 可在贝克特这里,这种理解被取消了,这部剧怎么看都很难理解,许多读者无法变为理解者...
评分“我们走吧。” “我们不能。” “为什么不能?” “我们在等待戈多。” ——-《等待戈多》 两个流浪汉等待一个没见过不认识的戈多,戈多没有来但等来一个他的信史的小男孩...
评分如果说我在《等待戈多》中看见了一样东西,那就是“虚无”,或者说某种荒诞,即存在之无意义。我相信,贝克特的这个剧本是一场关于存在、关于存在的价值与意义的对话。 关于存在的意义的讨论由来已久,生命总是和痛苦、死亡联系在一起的,然而比死亡更为可怕的是生存的毫无意义...
评分豆瓣推荐是令人发指的。 例子有二:周一晚上我刚在北广的学报上看到创新扩散理论。回到宿舍,惊现我的推荐书目中有本《创新的扩散》。 周三晚上看《中国图书评论》,看到一段评贝克特的不错就抄下了,周五就发现它推荐我读《等待戈多——贝克特选集3》(午夜文丛),如果说豆瓣...
Waiting for Godot pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025