图书标签: 历史 房龙 英文原版 世界史 英语 人文 社会学 English
The Story of Mankind pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
First published in 1921, The Story of Mankind has charmed generations of readers of all ages with its warmth, simplicity, and wisdom. Beginning with the origins of human life and sweeping forward to illuminate all of history, Hendrik van Loon's incomparable prose enlivens the characters and events of every age. His unique ability to convey history as a fascinating tale of adventure has endeared the book to countless readers and has accorded it a unique place in publishing history. This new version, which retains van Loon's original illustrations, has been brought up to date by John Merriman, professor of history at Yale University. It incorporates the most important developments of the last two decades-including space exploration, the emergence of the developing countries, the Cold War, the Internet, and the astounding advances we have witnessed in medicine and science - and looks forward into the prospect of the twenty-first century.
评分2013/03/16~2013/05/20 @扇贝阅读
第一次用英文读出了战争的屏息和荡气回肠;读出了历史的厚重和引人入胜;读出了文化的传承和交相辉映。 他如同站在高山之巅,看几千年前的沧海桑田在脚下更替变迁如同过眼云烟。 他如同舞台上的讲演者,用饱含深情的语调讲述着这片大陆的前世今生。 他为一座城池的覆灭而扼腕兴...
评分房龙的故事并没能吸引我。人类的故事只不过是人类正史的缩写。 糟糕的编辑。从一本美术图书中找来了很多不相关的经典绘画作品作为插图,而且不注明出处。
评分最早接触房龙是著名的《宽容》一书,高中教材里便选取了他的《宽容序言》作为课文。不同于一般的序言,这里面没有连篇累牍的赞扬这部书有多大成就,也没有如同豆瓣网上一些影评一样剧透,他只给我们讲了一个故事“happily lived mankind in the peaceful valley of ignorance”...
评分对比译本如下: 出版社:中国档案出版社 译者:周炎 出版年:2001 http://book.douban.com/subject/1067517/ 出版社:生活·读书·新知三联书店 译者:刘缘子(等) 出版年:1997 http://book.douban.com/subject/1063736/ 出版社:陕西师范大学出版社 译者:刘海 出版年:2...
评分就像书评写的一样,这是一本很耐读的历史读物, 然而当我兴致勃勃把它读完,发现并不像我预期的那样好, 也许是我也开始渐渐习惯了读那些枯燥的存历史读物了, 面对这样一本文字优美的好像一部小说或故事集一样的书, 竟感到很不对味,似乎看过之后,也没长多少知识, 因为有些...
The Story of Mankind pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025