圖書標籤: 政治學 亨廷頓 政治 政治哲學 社會學 曆史 比較政治學 比較政治
變化社會中的政治秩序 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
Samuel Phillips Huntington (born April 18, 1927) is a political scientist known for his analysis of the relationship between the military and the civil government, his investigation of coup d'etats, and his thesis that the central political actors of the 21st century will be civilizations rather than nation-states. More recently, he garnered widespread attention for his analysis of threats posed to the United States by modern-day immigration. He is a professor at Harvard University. Huntington came to prominence as a scholar in the 1960s with the publication of Political Order in Changing Societies, a work which challenged the conventional view of modernization theorists that economic and social progress would bring about stable democracies in recently decolonized countries.
亨廷顿在中国赫赫有名 这本书中他信服地向我们阐述了“现代化”与“政治稳定”之间的关系 生动的语言、严密的逻辑、丰富的案例 40年前出版的书 仍然闪耀着智慧的光芒 PS:深入思考:亨廷顿书中的观点,对于中国政治现代化产生的问题和后果的解释力并不强,也许是中国的问题太特...
評分 評分大半夜想久石奏学妹睡不着,于是从书架上随便挑本书起来写点东西。 《变动社会》是老爷子的经典作品,但这本书最有价值的地方我认为是关于“后发国家孤立的首都市民与广大乡村的对立”以及“绿色入侵”的分析,但很多人却揪住“对于现代国家来说,首先重要的是有效统治而不是政...
評分 評分【亨廷顿这部《变化社会中的政治秩序》其实应该算是一个论文集,不仅仅事实上很多篇章先行发表过,而且欠缺独著那种系统性,譬如占据极大篇幅、极重要的“普力夺(Praetorian,以军人干政为典型的社会势力干政的社会)”一词居然没有处女秀解释。依据福山所言,亨氏这部著作“为...
變化社會中的政治秩序 pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025