图书标签: 计算机 hackers 黑客 文化 互联网 历史 hacker StevenLevy
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This 25th anniversary edition of Steven Levy's classic book traces the exploits of the computer revolution's original hackers -- those brilliant and eccentric nerds from the late 1950s through the early '80s who took risks, bent the rules, and pushed the world in a radical new direction. With updated material from noteworthy hackers such as Bill Gates, Mark Zukerberg, Richard Stallman, and Steve Wozniak, Hackers is a fascinating story that begins in early computer research labs and leads to the first home computers. Levy profiles the imaginative brainiacs who found clever and unorthodox solutions to computer engineering problems. They had a shared sense of values, known as "the hacker ethic," that still thrives today. Hackers captures a seminal period in recent history when underground activities blazed a trail for today's digital world, from MIT students finagling access to clunky computer-card machines to the DIY culture that spawned the Altair and the Apple II.
Amazon.com Exclusive: The Rant Heard Round the World
By Steven Levy
Author Steven Levy When I began researching Hacker s--so many years ago that it’s scary--I thought I’d largely be chronicling the foibles of a sociologically weird cohort who escaped normal human interaction by retreating to the sterile confines of computers labs. Instead, I discovered a fascinating, funny cohort who wound up transforming human interaction, spreading a culture that affects our views about everything from politics to entertainment to business. The stories of those amazing people and what they did is the backbone of Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution .
But when I revisited the book recently to prepare the 25th Anniversary Edition of my first book, it was clear that I had luckily stumbled on the origin of a computer (and Internet) related controversy that still permeates the digital discussion. Throughout the book I write about something I called The Hacker Ethic, my interpretation of several principles implicitly shared by true hackers, no matter whether they were among the early pioneers from MIT’s Tech Model Railroad Club (the Mesopotamia of hacker culture), the hardware hackers of Silicon Valley’s Homebrew Computer Club (who invented the PC industry), or the slick kid programmers of commercial game software. One of those principles was “Information Should Be Free.” This wasn’t a justification of stealing, but an expression of the yearning to know more so one could hack more. The programs that early MIT hackers wrote for big computers were stored on paper tapes. The hackers would keep the tapes in a drawer by the computer so anyone could run the program, change it, and then cut a new tape for the next person to improve. The idea of ownership was alien.
This idea came under stress with the advent of personal computers. The Homebrew Club was made of fanatic engineers, along with a few social activists who were thrilled at the democratic possibilities of PCs. The first home computer they could get their hands on was 1975’s Altair, which came in a kit that required a fairly hairy assembly process. (Its inventor was Ed Roberts, an underappreciated pioneer who died earlier this year.) No software came with it. So it was a big deal when 19-year-old Harvard undergrad Bill Gates and his partner Paul Allen wrote a BASIC computer language for it. The Homebrew people were delighted with Altair BASIC, but unhappy that Gates and Allen charged real money for it. Some Homebrew people felt that their need for it outweighed their ability to pay. And after one of them got hold of a “borrowed” tape with the program, he showed up at a meeting with a box of copies (because it is so easy to make perfect copies in the digital age), and proceeded to distribute them to anyone who wanted one, gratis.
This didn’t sit well with Bill Gates, who wrote what was to become a famous “Letter to Hobbyists,” basically accusing them of stealing his property. It was the computer-age equivalent to Luther posting the Ninety-Five Theses on the Castle Church. Gate’s complaints would reverberate well into the Internet age, and variations on the controversy persist. Years later, when another undergrad named Shawn Fanning wrote a program called Napster that kicked off massive piracy of song files over the Internet, we saw a bloodier replay of the flap. Today, issues of cost, copying and control still rage--note Viacom’s continuing lawsuit against YouTube and Google. And in my own business—journalism--availability of free news is threatening more traditional, expensive new-gathering. Related issues that also spring from controversies in Hackers are debates over the “walled gardens” of Facebook and Apple’s iPad.
I ended the original Hackers with a portrait of Richard Stallman, an MIT hacker dedicated to the principle of free software. I recently revisited him while gathering new material for the 25th Anniversary Edition of Hackers , he was more hard core than ever. He even eschewed the Open Source movement for being insufficiently noncommercial.
When I spoke to Gates for the update, I asked him about his 1976 letter and the subsequent intellectual property wars. “Don’t call it war,” he said. “Thank God we have an incentive system. Striking the right balance of how this should work, you know, there's going to be tons of exploration.” Then he applied the controversy to my own situation as a journalism. “Things are in a crazy way for music and movies and books,” he said. “Maybe magazine writers will still get paid 20 years from now. Who knows? Maybe you'll have to cut hair during the day and just write articles at night.”
So Amazon.com readers, it’s up to you. Those who have not read Hackers, , have fun and be amazed at the tales of those who changed the world and had a hell of time doing it. Those who have previously read and loved Hackers , replace your beat-up copies, or the ones you loaned out and never got back, with this beautiful 25th Anniversary Edition from O’Reilly with new material about my subsequent visits with Gates, Stallman, and younger hacker figures like Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook. If you don’t I may have to buy a scissors--and the next bad haircut could be yours! Read Bill Gates' letter to hobbyists
Steven Levy这部经典力作的25周年版从20世纪50年代早期跨越到80年代后期,追述了计算机革命中初期黑客的丰功伟绩,他们都是最聪明和最富有个性的精英。他们勇于承担风险,勇于挑战规则,并把世界推向了一个全新的发展方向。本书更新了一些著名黑客的最新资料,包括比尔·盖茨、马克·扎克伯格、理查德·斯托曼和史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚克,并讲述了从早期计算机研究实验室到最初的家用计算机期间一些妙趣横生的故事。
在Levy的笔下,他们都是聪明而勤奋的人,他们极富想象力,他们另辟蹊径,发现了计算机工程问题的巧妙解决方案。他们都有一个共同的价值观,那就是至今仍然长盛不衰的“黑客道德”。本书描述了近代历史上的一个萌芽时期,描述了黑客用默默无闻的行动为当今的数字世界照亮了一条道路,描述了那些打破陈规“非法”访问穿孔卡片计算机的MIT的学生,也描述了缔造出Altair和Apple II电脑这些伟大产品的DIY文化。
评分词汇量不够用阿,满眼的生词,章节不是分的很明晰,part one看的心潮澎湃,part two看着看着就跳过了,走题的厉害
评分Hacker 这个行当里的人,不会有一个是迫于生计来的。
译文书一般都吐嘈翻译,我来吐嘈一下字体。 整本书除了注释和部分引文用了宋体,其他标题正文一律用黑体,英文也是sans serif。作为印刷品读起来还是有点儿费劲的。开始我以为是为了效仿原著风格,可找来原著看,除了目录和每章标题使用sans serif字体,正文还是正常的serif字...
评分解决了一个很大的困惑,从60年代一直到当代可以媲美当时阿波罗计划的iphone,计算机都有哪些变化。 正如制造一座通天塔可能是里程碑,但更难的是将其变成一个普适性的工具带给所有的普罗大众。30年间天赋异禀个性鲜明的黑客努力不可或缺。 同样伴随着计算机产业的不断升级(...
评分这本书并不是很有吸引力,因为每翻过几页,就恨不得撇开书,抡起胳膊大干一场。 它说的是一帮天才,却不是Carmack那样的天才,他们是可以望及项背,甚至可以幻想那就是自己的升级升级版的天才。与其说这记录的是一段段传奇,不如说是为黑客文化传经布道。 这黑客文化的精神核心...
评分 评分《黑客:计算机革命的英雄》不是一本新书,创作于上世纪80年代。 这本书我断断续续花了几个月才看完。大量的传奇黑客人物穿插其中,说实话容量略大,到头来也没记住几个名字,不过这不是重点。全书将对整个计算机发展史有深刻影响的黑客文化分三个阶段的娓娓道来,让我重新审...
Hackers pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025