图书标签: 谈判沟通 Negotiation 谈判 沟通 英國 商业 实用 軟技能
Everything Is Negotiable pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
Whether you need to ask for a raise at work, request a better hotel room while you’re on holiday, or even debate with your stubborn teenager at home, you can learn effective and powerful negotiation skills to help you get the best deal every time. In this fully revised and updated fourth edition of the worldwide success Everything is Negotiable , expert negotiator Gavin Kennedy walks you through all the techniques and tricks you need to get the best deal in any situation. With chapters on such subjects as making your offer count, dealing with intimidation and getting it in writing, as well as self-assessment tests to help chart your progress, Everything is Negotiable is a one-stop shop for anyone who wants to improve their negotiation skills. Superbly practical and insightful, this essential guide will make sure you come out top in any negotiation.
新版和旧版并排看,玩“大家来找茬”。Not an easy task, but I did it!
评分谈判大师系列著作之一, Rabbits 必读科目。只是,i still suck at negotiation
评分新版和旧版并排看,玩“大家来找茬”。Not an easy task, but I did it!
看完的感想 ## 正面谈判 谈判是一件正常的事情,不卑不亢,不要逃避,也不用过分追求。 ## 谈判的目的不是取胜,而是成功;同时要知道,成功的实现方式不会只有一种。 所以要做好准备,明确知道自己想要的“成功”是什么,同时“成功”是双方 的,所以也要努力找到让对方“成...
评分这是【掌握受益终生的谈判技巧】类图书主题阅读的第8本书—《谈判是什么》,也是#每天一本书#的第56本书。 评分:4.7分(满分5分) 本书能解决什么问题? 1、谈判最大的忌讳是什么? 2、谈判中最为重要的指导原则是什么? 3、如何搜集信息? 4、研究型谈判的原则是什么? 笔...
评分【谈判是什么 Everything is negotiable】重点摘录和自我评注 20121106 最近对谈判有了兴趣,连续看了罗杰道森的【优势谈判】和肯尼迪【谈判是什么】两本书。道森的书结构清晰,易于接受,技巧众多;肯尼迪的书以培训测试题为每章引子,增强读者的参与感,各有千秋。但都写的...
评分说起谈判,不得不让人想起明朝的杨善,这位兄弟在迎回明英宗的空手套白狼的手法真不得不让人叹为观止。 话说土木堡之变后,明英宗就去北边打猎了,明英宗的弟弟朱祁钰继位,明英宗就变成了太上皇。在经历了北京保卫战后,明朝的国防暂时安定,国内有些大臣就要求...
评分说起谈判,不得不让人想起明朝的杨善,这位兄弟在迎回明英宗的空手套白狼的手法真不得不让人叹为观止。 话说土木堡之变后,明英宗就去北边打猎了,明英宗的弟弟朱祁钰继位,明英宗就变成了太上皇。在经历了北京保卫战后,明朝的国防暂时安定,国内有些大臣就要求...
Everything Is Negotiable pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025