图书标签: 創新 美國 管理学 管理咨询 管理 技術 商业 Robert_Burgelman
Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
The 5th Edition of Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation by Burgelman, Christensen, and Wheelwright continues its unmatched tradition of market leadership, by using a combination of text, readings, and cases to bring to life the latest business research on these critical business challenges. Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation takes the perspective of the general manager at the product line, business unit, and corporate levels. The book not only examines each of these levels in some detail, but also addresses the interaction between the different levels of general management - for example, the fit between product strategy and business unit strategy, and the link between business and corporate level technology strategy. Each part of the book starts with an introductory chapter laying out an overall framework and offering a brief discussion of key tools and findings from existing literature. The remainder of each part offers a selected handful of seminar readings and case studies. Almost all of the cases deal with recent events and situations, including several that are concerned with the impact of the Internet. A few "classics" have been retained, however, because they capture a timeless issue or problem in such a definitive way that the historical date of their writing is irrelevant.
罗伯特 A.伯格曼,斯坦福大学商学院Edmund W.Littlefield管理学教授,斯坦福经理人项目主任。1981年以来,伯格曼教授一直在斯坦福大学讲授战略管理。在此之前,他曾供取于安特威Antwerp大学(比利时)、纽约大学以及哈佛商学院。他先后从安特威大学获得应用经济学学士学位、哥伦比亚大学获得社会学硕士学位和组织管理博士学位。伯格曼的专业领域是信息技术产业的公司创业和公司战略管理。他曾与人合著《透视公司创新》,在主要学术与通俗刊物上发表文章多篇。其最新力作为《战略是命:战略运筹如何造就公司未来》。他讲授经理人项目课程,为全球大公司主持中高层管理研讨会。他曾担任多家公司领导人的顾问和AboveNet Communications公司董事,现任Uniscape.com和SaveDaily.com董事。他还担任e-Exchange公司和Viador公司顾问委员会委员。
陈劲,浙江大学教授,博士生导师,获管理工程博士学位。现任浙江大学创新与发展研究中心副主任,是美国麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院访问学者、英国苏塞克斯大学科技政策研究中心高级访问学者、国际技术管理协会会员、中国科学与科技政策研究会学务理事、浙江省人民政府经济建设咨询委员会委员,International Journal of Manpower和R&D Management的客座编委。近年来主要从事企业技术创新管理等方面的教学、研究与写作,先后获中国高校科技进步一等奖、教育部人文社会科学优秀成果二等奖、国务院政府特殊津贴、教育部霍英东教师奖、教育部“高校青年教师奖”以及国家杰出青年基金。
Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025