图书标签: 黑色教育 社会·历史·文化·科学·艺术 社会 【Interest-Acc】 eng W
Prisoners of Childhood pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
The common bond unifying the three studies in this volume is a concern with the factors operative in loss of the self and the routes leading towards the achievement of true identity. "The Drama of the Gifted Child" (and "gifted" here means "sensitive", "aware") has its roots in an intuitive apprehension of the parents' needs by the child at a very early stage. The child adapts to those needs by learning not to feel its most intense feelings, once it has realized that those feelings are considered undesirable. Although these "prohibited" feelings cannot always be avoided at a later stage, they remain split off; this means that the most vital part of the true self is not integrated into the personality. The result is emotional insecurity and impoverishment (loss of self), either expressed in the form of depression or fended off via grandiosity. The examples cited sensitize us to the mute, inarticulate suffering of the child and help us to penetrate the idealizations serving to conceal that suffering. It also opens our eyes to the tragedy of the parents; their unavailability and inaccessibility prove to be the fruit of their availability as children.
Alice Miller, PhD in philosophy, psychology and sociology, as well as a researcher on childhood, is the author of 13 books, translated into thirty languages.
Out of 192 members of the United Nations, only 19 have so far forbidden corporal punishment of children.
《与原生家庭和解》阅毕。世界上有一种职业,不要认证不需考试,极具权威感而且无法否定,那就是“父母”。因而很多人认为作为父母的权威,是理所当然……但真是理所当然的吗? 自从当上了父亲这个职业之后,多了更多机会让我回顾自己的过去,面对眼前这个小孩子,只有与过去的...
评分【中国式教育的杀伤力】 1.用“要听话”,来扼杀自由; 2.用“要孝顺”,来扼杀独立; 3.用“就你跟大家不一样”,来扼杀个性; 4.用“别整天琢磨那没用的东西”,来扼杀想象力; 5.用“少管闲事”,来扼杀公德心; 6.用“养你这孩子有什么用”,用来杀自尊; 7.用“看闲书能考...
评分1认知水平中二,脑子一团浆糊,嘴笨得没词,与他沟通感觉障碍。今晚与他就房基地是否是是烫手山芋说了半天,他的李云龙式胡搅蛮缠让我无语。 2继承了家族大男子主义作风,家长制一言堂,行事独裁暴力倾向严重,高频率醉酒后如同苍蝇一样烦人,多次用鸡肋和末代皇帝语言暴力攻击...
Prisoners of Childhood pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025